Sometimes percent of "APY" isn't always reflecting the risk level. I'm not saying 100-1xxxx% APYs safer than 5-20%. I mean, in the context of how you understand technically about rebasing tokens that apply elasticity on the supply of their tokens can produce high APY (since you mention rebase project) (IMHO).
I'm also not tryin' to compare the risk of a rebasing project with other "low risk" projects. I'm just tryin' to say that risk depends on many factors.
To me, it's not too different with risk on solo and pooled mining. - Which one do you think is riskier?
You have a pretty good strategy! ngl
More risk, more return
More return, more risk
Risk and return are always comparable, are there any other rules instead? Pooled mining is indeed less risky bc we merge a lot of miners hash rate. Am I right?
More risk more gain or more gain is greed. actually, the secret of winning on such platforms is whether you take risks or not. you are absolutely right.