That is quite bad, I hope coins like feathercoin don't ever make it to mainstream. Is litecoin good or just another clonecoin?
Litecoin was one of the first alt coins to be created, but using scrypt and a few other minor differences like conf time, total amount of coins, etc. The reason LTC is where it is now, is because of how it was released. It was a bunch of Bitcoin users in IRC bouncing ideas off of each other, and figuring out how they wanted to deal with things, so early Litecoin had the support of the Bitcoin community more or less, so it was allowed to grow to where it is now. What really seems to separate the "scam coins" from the coins with at least some hope, is
A) How they are released. If there is a premine, the likelihood of success drops significantly, although minor success has been had with premine and then using those premined coins for bounties
B) The Dev team. In the case of Solidcoin, the idea was innovative, and almost solid, but the dev rubbed people the wrong way. Picked fights with Bitcoin, abrasive in general.
C) Transparency, the majority of coins that have done well were release well ahead of time, so there wasn't a group of insiders who began mining the day it went public, a week before anyone knew about it
Although people don't think about it much, Solidcoin did compete with Bitcoins during the earlier days to a sort of significant amount. Solidcoin introduced the concept of funds showing up to your wallet as soon as they were sent, but just showing as 0 confirms, something that was adopted by Bitcoin shortlyish after.
Altcoins are somewhat useful, or the ones with some sort of innovation anyway, because features eventually get added to Bitcoin, or if they have no significant features the coins tend to die. I remember pre solidcoin, buying Bitcoins from this Pirate40 guy on BTC-OTC with Moneypak, and having to wait 20 minutes before knowing if he had even sent the BTC or if I was out $200, a feature that killed bitcoins for me, for a little while anyway.