I don't agree. Corona viruses have been with us since the 1930s, and they are likely to see out this century,
If you're a researcher on a group of viruses, you'd agree that 'corona' has been around since the 1930s, just a different name.
You must know some viruses other than the corona virus that attack humans, which are caused by wild animals, exactly the same symptoms that were attacked in patients with the "SARS CoV-2" "Pageblug" virus which were found through the saliva or urine of bats, snakes, pangolins.
For now researchers already have thousands of samples about research that leads to the corona virus being 90% identical to pangolins, a strong suspicion in the spread of the corona virus.
More vaccines cannot stop the coronavirus currently attacking humans.
The corona virus could subside and disappear if humans no longer consume wild foods, but focus more on artificial or natural foods.
Now I have to follow your method on a regular basis to stop smoking, alcohol, and eat wild foods, 80s, stay healthy.