So I guess it is still profitable to use 1st Gen ASICs.
Gen 1 Avalons draw ~750W. At 0.18 / KWh, that is $3.24 per day. Plus there is taxes on your electric bill, and good luck getting the expense deducted from your income tax.
My Generation 1 Avalon does 84 GHash/sec for only 700 Watts and brings in 0.011 bitcoins a day which is worth $7, more than twice what it cost in electricity.
It is still worth running.
Back in April this same Avalon was generating 7 bitcoins a day, which was over $700 a day at the time. This is the same Avalon that was almost stolen.
After the difficulty doubles I will shut it off. I will sell the power supply on eBay and feed the rest of it to my livestock.