A forum is a place where people come together to discuss a shared interest, in this case Bitcoin. Where that is happening people are getting merited not on an arbitrary measurement of quality or how much time was involved but on how useful other people valued that interaction.
Got you. I do understand the point, just one addition. This forum is for a long time not only about Bitcoin. It has become the sanctuary for all of the cryptocurrency discussions. I also do understand, that the quality measurement is subjective as someone might find even single line post worth meriting. The thing is, people love the sense of progression. That is also one of the reasons to have ranking system (sure, the additional features are there too). And as i understood, ranking only based on activity was too easy to misuse (leading to spam etc.). But the Merit system might still prove to be too difficult sometimes, hindering the progression too much. On the other hand, the lower ranks actually do not limit the use of the forum...