EZ to trigger!
Hmm... I'm answering you that's all. If anyone that answers you is triggered that's complicated to discuss with you :/
Oh and the most important thing that makes your argument a pure bullshit smelling puke is that Jews were refused CIVIL RIGHTS.
You have any example of conservatives having less right than not-conservatives?
Yes for example in plant usage, some have been made illegals. But you know i have no interest to discuss anything with you. There are more interesting issue to discuss among the Han "tribe".
Well if you have no interest to show arguments I understand that you'd rather not discuss with me ^^
I don't know what's the Han tribe though.
So what's going on with "conservative"
Censorship - check ( and with it ad revenued - check)
Constant demonization - check
Exclusion from movie / series - check
Identified in database - check
Things yet to accomplish
0 access to communication - in progress but it's not 1930
Visual markers - not planned
It's not a blasphemy, it's just a mix of pure stupidity and arrogance.
Censorship: wtf? How exactly are you getting censored? I keep seeing conservatives on TV all the time in fact there are ONLY conservatives people! Never saw anything but liberal economists and in my country the extreme right conservatives are ALWAYS in the spotlight... While claiming they're getting censored of course...
Constant demonization: demonization... Sure... let's compare the propaganda against jews with drawings of them in public display representing them with evil eyes big noses and the incarnation of greed to... To whatever I don't even see what you're talking about...
Exclusion from movie/series: whaaaaaaaaaat? WHAAAAAAAAAT? WTF MAN? You want movies with a hero saying what? "I'm a conservative and I support the closure of our national borders"?? This doesn't even make sense xD
Identified in database: ok this one is true at least. But it's true for everyone: cosnervatives, liberals, royalists, anarchists... We're all in voters database now.
Please try to take some time to read yourself... Try to find examples of what you're saying, it will help you seeing how it doesn't make any sense.
LoL again. You would have ended there.
Edit: you aren't a chosen people. Never have, never will.
And remeber here it's freespeech because we know what they do.
You're actually the one trying to pose as a "chosen people". You're the one trying to split "conservatives" whatever that's supposed to mean from the rest of the population.
It's freespeech sure, that's why I take the time to answer your bullshit with arguments. Freespeech means you can say what you want, not that you won't be pointed at by people saying how false and stupid your reasonning is