We can not compare Litecoin Cash and Cardano because the type of coin is different. Many people are investing in Cardano and have the potential to increase compare to Litecoin Cash. Cardano is much more worthy than Litecoin Cash, but Litecoin Cash can get a pump in the future. Still, Cardano will increase higher soon. If you select Litecoin Cash as your investment, you need to have a big patient to wait for because that will be long before the price can increase.
Litecoin Cash has from chart view the potential to end like Cardano. Of a few cents till a few dollars like Caradano.
You don't know if we need to have a big patient to wait in the biggest bullrun in history Who knows... look how fast Cardano was rising... from zero to one
Litecoin Cash has definitiveliy the potential to grow fast since the hive mining update.
If LCC can get a list on the major exchanges such as KuCoin or even Binance, that can have a chance to boost the price to increase higher and I think that can happen in the short term as those exchanges have a large number of traders. Maybe you can use some money to invest in LCC if you want and hold it. But it is better to use the other wallet which you can control by yourself.