With any luck you'll face competition from clones that realize the entire idea is just dumb. Are you planning to release the sourcecode to MasterCoin? Because if you don't, we'll all just say how it's probably got hidden backdoors that are going to steal all your (master)coins, and if you do release it, we can just take that code and remove the silly requirement for the exodus address/MasterCoins.
They say MasterCoin has an advantageover copycats; just like Bitcoin has advantages over "alt-coins".
Or just stick with, who was it, TierNolan and co's colored coins stuff?
Also, even if you want to use the colored coins paradigm, you actually don't need any data in the blockchain at all beyond what appear to be bog-standard pubkeys.
MasterCoin and "colored coins" use different approaches and implement different features.
Within 'colored coins' approach we use Bitcoin transaction graph, and state changes are localized in the sense that one transaction cannot affect another transaction which doesn't depend on it.
MasterCoin's approach is different: there is a global state, and MasterCoin transactions are processed sequentially, in the order they appear in the blockchain, and the modify the global state. This is absolutely necessary because many MasterCoin features absolutely require global state.
J.R.W. believes that these features are very important, and for this reason colored coins are not suitable for what he is trying to do.
These features, their importance and possibility to accomplish same goals though other means are out of scope of this discussion. (I'll just note that it is possible to implement arbitrarily complex rules through 'oracle' or 'operator' of some sort, then the only concern is trustworthiness of that oracle and possibility of recovery from malfunction.)
Anyway, the MasterCoin's paradigm is: there is a list of messages (commands) which are reliably timestamped (i.e. all actors agree on their order) and carry authorization information (are signed with corresponding private key); messages are processed in order and each one affects the global state.
It's quite obvious that the Bitcoin blockchain is used for two things here:
1. Message timestamping, i.e. blockchain ensures that everybody sees these messages in same order.
2. Message storage and distribution.
It is possible to decouple these things: use Bitcoin blockchain for timestapming, but keep messages in some other place.
In the idea case (if our goal is to minimize the bloat) it's possible to keep only root hash in the Bitcoin blockchain (one hash per block), and messages themselves can go either to some alt-chain, or to DHT, or whatever.
Obviously, such a change will affect many aspects, so it won't be exactly same as the current form of MasterCoin, but all important features will be preserved.
I really doubt J.R. is willing to organize it in such a way, as he wants to make it possible to use ordinary Bitcoin client to send MasterCoin commands.
There is a quick and dirty way to modify it: move to some merged-mined alt-coin, as is. Most Bitcoin clients can be adapted to work with an alt-coin.
However, J.R. believes that MasterCoin is beneficial for Bitcoin, so there goes an opportunity...
Even better, is that you can design your protocol to really make it censorproof by allowing the colored coins to be included in standard CoinJoin transactions in such a way that anyone looking at the blockchain data will have no way of knowing what outputs were the colored coins.
Eh? How do colored coin clients know which outputs were the colored coins then? They sort of need it to show balance etc.