They give a design cost range for 7nm ASICs to be from $120 million to $420 million. Their cost to actually manufacture the miners is probably pretty small, paying off that design investment is probably the biggest factor.
Estimates from Samsung and TSMC about efficiency improvements with the upcoming 5nm node are 20% to 30% while design cost will be a lot higher. They are saying there will be a bigger efficiency jump for 3nm, 50% better than 5nm, but that won't hit the market until 2021, and design price will be huge, $500 million to $1.5 billion.
I think BTC price is going to have to jump up a lot to justify a billion-dollar investment in a single miner. Good news for us miners... makes it a little easier to justify buying some 7nm miners.
Well if you leapfrog over the 5 and on to the 3nm lets do some math.
s17+ = 40watts a th 7nm x 70% = 28 watts a th x 50% = 14 watts a th for 3nm gear
cost of double up grade is say 400 million + 1.5 billion = 2 billion for sake of argument. Lets think 2022 not 2021 what do we have in 2022 2 years before the 6.125 to 3.0625 ½ ing so 365 x 2 x 144 = 105,120 x 6.125 = 643,860 reward coins.
from 2022 to 2024 that the 3nm can grab lets pretend they figure good fees out. Say 0.875 coins are fees this means 735,840 coins
so if a coin is 10,000 we have 6.438 billion to 7.358 billion worth of coins that does not justify building the gear. So the question is what happens does tech pressure drive coins up to 30,000 or so that makes 19 to 22 billion of coins up for grabs.
I like the info since efficiency could drop from 40 to 14 watts a th.
So the s21 could use 3000 watts and mine 210th that would be a nice piece of gear.