But for me, if you can afford your basic need, you are rich. Riches is not determine by how much you spend but how happy and fulfilled you are. The orientation that money is for luxury is the cause of the high rate of crime in my neighborhood. Most young chaps now want to ride a Mercedes, live in luxury estates or hotels and showcase his designers clothes and accessories. The virtue of contentment, moderation and patient is gradually becoming archaic and obsolete. But for me, money is for survival and if you can provide your basic needs, you are rich.
Between money and lifestyle, money is not everything, but unfortunately everything seems to need money, money and luxury both have a strong correlation. money depends on the person who holds it, some are only able to meet their basic needs, some are very capable of buying the luxury one wants.
This can happen to anyone, you or me, and it's not limited to your country, everyone in the world needs money for everything according to their own standard of living. you can buy luxury according to the income you get and it will be very natural when someone has the ability to do so.
However, I have to agree with you, simplicity and patience are gradually becoming obsolete, moral values and simplicity are getting eroded with the progress of civilization.