or the record, 65% will not go to devs pockets.. its much MUCH less than that... there are 5 core devs, more than most cryptos if not all bar bitcoin, so the dev stakes assigned as rewards will be split between the 5 devs and other people who have done dev work which includes about another 3-4 people for various things... the total amount being split between these 8-9 people is 10% at launch. at V1 which will be when business rules, asset exchange, and a number of other features are ready, there will be another 10% split between devs but it will be paid out during a stretched out period probably spanning up to 1 year but im not sure on that.. then there is 5% for marketing, ecosystem and other stuff.. so thats the 25% that was originally set aside from day one..
then sock puppet removals came along and SHIT TONS on sock puppets got caught out(sockmasters who held stashes of 10-200+ illegal stakes) due to the dev team running 3 or 4 rounds of ever increasingly difficulty to dodge soc removal phases which when you combine with the number of unclaimed stakes so far(which will drop quite a lot post launch) brings the number of stakes assigned to individual stake holders down to ~40% of all stakes.. though this has reduced the amount of stakes assigned to stake holders, we now are very confident that we have >1300 unique individuals in the genesis block and an unmatched wealth distribution among these people... this will also seriously reduce the dumping post launch so the price should be quite healthy post launch as nem has broken the mould and removed pretty much all sock masters and has not allowed the creating of whales who hold gargantuan amounts of nem..(stakes held by the nem team != whales who can freely dump)
now let me make one thing very clear before i move on:
the sock puppet stakes confiscated or unclaimed will not go into developers, or any insiders pockets!
the unclaimed/sock stakes will be placed into various funds such as a community run fund to which anyone will be able to apply for funding to get nem related projects funded which will be a significant boost to the nem ecosystem. there may also be funds for having the NCC developed as well as a mobile client(which is already in early stage development) and a smaller stake for marketing costs so that we can build a recognisable brand for nem. there are other smaller funds which i cant think of right now but you can find proposals on the nem forum.
but one thing i must stress is that these unclaimed/sock stakes, will not be "going into pockets" for personal gain.. every single nem will be used to further the development and progression of nem towards a booming ecosystem and on to global adoption(hopefully
), through the use of community fund, marketing fund and various other funds, and every single penny will be held under multi-signature control and (the community fund) will be subject to community approval before funds are spent or distributed to fund a project, which is one big reason for the delay in launch as the devs refused to launch before multisig was ready and fully tested and secure.
also, i must also stress that yes taun can be a pain in the ass sometimes but he is just one person.. please refrain from judging an entire community based on one persons postings.. i would invite you all to come over and check nem out.. even though nem has taken so long, the community is far from disheartened and actually grows more confident by the day. on telegram between multiple nem chats there are normally over 3k messages in around a 24h period, if not more.. IRC, the nem forum, the btt thread, trello and chinese forums have had continuous growth irrespective of the delays in launch. excitement is rising as we proceed towards launch and it is rapidly approaching. this is not a platform that should be easily dismissed.
@from above, you are right about bloodyrookie, but he is only one of our astounding developers.. Gimre, Jaguar0626, Makoto, Bloodyrookie, and Thies, are all insanely skilled developers, but combined they form a team that i dont think has ever been seen before in crypto... you should really test out the client and see what im talking about.. they have made a great number of HUGE breakthroughs in cryptocurrency technology.
some of these breakthroughs are such things as proof of importance, which if it proves to be secure and functions as it is supposed to be, it could well be the next major step in consensus algos from PoW -> PoS -> PoI.
another is the local Ncc, remote Harvesting/Nis combination, which allows users to connect their locally run Ncc to a remote instance of Nis and use that instance to securely transact(keys are never sent over the network) and harvest(proxy address is used and sent to nis) with out ever needing to download or sync the blockchain or trust the operator of the Nis. this is a MAJOR breakthrough, as it is now takes less than 2-3 mins for a new users to boot up the client and begin transacting and harvesting securely even if the nis is controlled by a malicious actor.
Nem has also integrated a new spam filter which i dont think any crypto has done to date.. Nem is also the first coin to have blockchain based multi signature accounts, which for the record, none of the other established cryptocurrencies have managed to pull off so far. Nem is also the first to have P2P synchronised time, which i have heard is a problem that P2P tech has needed solving for a quite while.. and this is all before Nem has even launched which shows the core teams dedication to producing only the finest, most secure and stable network possible prior to launch. these are not the actions of developers who are interested in making a quick buck.. these guys want to change the world and they are going about it the right way imo.
these are but a few of the major innovations of nem.. however im not here to tell you to pump in all the money you have into nem, it is still of course early days and nem still has a lot to prove.. but i would state again what cassius has said about keeping an open mind. and he is quite right in fact.. there are a lot more great things to come from nem. anyway, id urge people to take a closer look at this one before writing it off..