Politics should be everyone's business in any country. There's is no country that's not political, but people tends to be like it's a dirty game and hereby desist from it not knowing it is detrimental.
It is very easy to participate in politics in some countries because it doesn't require much in times of qualifications. I implore people to participate in order to bring change, good eggs can't leave politics to bad eggs alone. More of good eggs are needed so that bad eggs can be superseded.
Being in politics is everyone's responsibilities for a better goal to be achieved collectively.
Though, I would not blame if some people decided to forget about it and just ignore politics for the sake of their mental healthy and calmness. I have talked to friends who have openly told me they are sick and tired of politics after several years of listening and paying attention to it, and without a meaningful change to be seen in the distance.
They may continue to vote for their preferred party,.sure, however they do all in their power to ignore politicschannels and news, and to be honest with you, it is something even I have considered to do some days, specially because of stressing things can be.
Politics is everyones business. But health is more important to each one of us.