What was it, Max Gaiser, or mark gayser... Well whatever the fuck he was... it was him promoting this shitcoin. I guess he had a beating from the quark victims so he stopped that
i agree,Max got a load of suckers with MaxCoin also, at 1 time it was selling for £20 each, unbelieveable. Bill still who i actually respect got caught up in the hype of Quark also. i remember at the time think it was abit early to go full Quark......
$26.50 usd per coin ?
Uhhh no it was not selling for anything even close to that buddy LOL
And get this idiots..
It was popular far before Max Kaiser came along stiring up drama with it.
It was a memorable aspect of Quark so that is all you all remember about it.
In fact it was innovative at the time and helped spring board a 1,000 rip-off clone coins.
It never gets it's proper credit.
It was the multiple merged algo hashing that was like no other coin before it.
It was liked and popular on Launch like Prime Coin was for example..
I also love how a Noob with 5 posts is lecturing people on old coins LOL
Problem is idiots is.. it's a currency.
Yup.. guilty as charged !
That means it's guilty of being a currency intended to be used as such.
And since NONE of you here are interested in Alternative-Crypto-Currencies
It fell by the way side and essentially died.
A Crypto-Death meaning it toils in the bottom of the barrel for infinity.
I grow tired of lecturing morons here on Crpyto year after year.
![Roll Eyes](https://bitcointalk.org/Smileys/default/rolleyes.gif)
Hey kidiots profiteers..
Does your crypto coin work ?
Then go use it dipshits.. what the fuck more do you want ?
Constantly added superficial features simply to say it's being worked on ?
It's a "currency" and works like one.. so uhhhh... use it retards.
![Roll Eyes](https://bitcointalk.org/Smileys/default/rolleyes.gif)
All you people disgust me with your rank vulgar obscene retarded brain dead moronic greedy faggotry.
When you act like this it shows your TRUE COLORS !
Hey profiteer suck holes.. i have something for you stupid fucking babies to trade for mad profitz yo !
It's called
Jingle Daddy's Keys Coin !
Ready Set, White Paper FAP !Uhhh moaning'ingz on teh ROI'z uhhhghhh shot mah profit loads augggh bruh'z !
LiemICOMYGOD bro Did ya See Teh ROADMAP ROI's ? LiemOMG !!!
Don't forget if anyone well known mentions the coin and stirs up some hype / pump activity..
Make sure to suck their cock dry and dive head first into it.. for YOUR OWN PROFITS !
then later dump and wander off and then villainize them.
..after you made your cut of course.
Funny you whiny dipshits desperately want someone to pump coins or hype them for YOUR PROFITS
and you love it !
Until later when you turn on them and call them scum bags ..while you count your cash
![Roll Eyes](https://bitcointalk.org/Smileys/default/rolleyes.gif)
95% of Crypto are retards that deserve the shovel of greed across the fucking face.
You came.. you saw.. you profited.. then you DUMPED !
Then your actions speak louder than words..
You bounced from coin to coin abandoning the last.. for profits.
Which is the REAL story of Quark.
A reminder of how you idiot profiteer kidiot douche bags will hype up a coin then chant it's greater than slice bread..
Only to drop it dead cold and bash it later when your done using it as a tool for profits on Exchanges.
Then your greedy little beady eyes simply target one of the other 6,000 ANN topics.
So have you fuckheads learned anything yet ?
The crowd of retards simply move from coin to coin.. like a herd of diseased cancer-head lemmings.
Leaving a trail of dead coins in their wake.
Does that teach you all a lesson ?
Of course not because *THIS* one is different A HAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHH HHAHAHAHAHHA
I still get a kick out of that 5 post Noob account shooting his mouth off ROFL
In no other scene online would some shithead noob account be accepted.
Here you just make new accounts and run your mouth..
Which this is the worst possible place to be doing that.
Nothing ever changes in this scammy ass shithole scene called crypto.
![Roll Eyes](https://bitcointalk.org/Smileys/default/rolleyes.gif)
Let's put Quark into perspective..
It's actually a useful innovative currency and infinity more legit than Doge ever was or could be.
And people still support Doge and not Quark ..what does that tell you kidiot profiteers ?