
Topic: Is society celebrating something they should be furious about? (Feminized Men) - page 2. (Read 1683 times)

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Is society celebrating something they should be furious about? (Feminized Men)

Society is currently rejoicing that men are becoming females, because they're able to be the gender they feel like they should be. The rate of men becoming women physically through surgery, seems higher than the other way around, for women becoming men. If this is wrong, please post the statistics, and I'll edit. We don't usually hear of women becoming men surgically. There may be tomboys (girl who exhibits characteristics or behaviors considered typical of a boy) out there, but I don't know of any actually having surgery.

This seems unusual, scientifically. If the only reason men are becoming females (through pills/surgery) these days is due to society being more accepting, then why aren't more females becoming males in the same way? Why is it lopsided?

A hypothesis: The change is not due to society becoming more accepting, it's due to men becoming more feminized and them pushing for more acceptance, because the majority of them are less masculine now.

We are being exposed to chemicals like we've never been before.

This New Study Found More Drugs in Our Drinking Water Than Anybody Knew And no one's doing anything about it

"And it’s well known by now that pharmaceuticals are affecting fish, frogs and lobsters­—small amounts of estrogen cause male fish to develop eggs, for instance. But the impact on human health is unclear."

Males of All Species are Becoming More Female

"Various studies are indicating that unregulated chemicals released into the environment are causing male animals and humans to take on feminine characteristics.

Thousands of chemicals released into the environment are interfering with animal and human endocrine systems. These chemicals, nicknamed “gender-benders,” are causing the males in many species to become feminized.

In British lowland rivers, 50 percent of male fish were found to be growing eggs in their testes. Hermaphrodite polar bears have also been born.

Since all vertebrates have similar sex hormone receptors, the feminization of other animals could indicate a similar pattern in humans."

BPA plastics chemical found to feminize males

"University of Missouri researchers have evidence that BPA causes male deer mice to lose their masculinity and behave more like females. In fact, female mice sense something isn't quite "right" about BPA exposed males and don't want to mate with them.

The scientists conclude that exposure to BPA during human development could also be wreaking havoc on hormones and distorting and disrupting behavioral and cognitive traits that are unique to each sex and important in reproduction."


"'This study sets the stage for BPA researchers to examine how BPA might differentially impact the behavioral and cognitive patterns of boys versus girls,' Rosenfeld added. 'Investigators looking for obvious BPA-induced differences, such as chromosome deletions or DNA mutations, could be missing subtle behavioral differences that eventually lead to long-term adverse outcomes, including demasculinization of male behaviors with a decreased reproductive fitness.'"

The Feminization of Men Agenda - Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

"Through science, foods have been genetically modified to decrease the level of testosterone in men, while increasing their level of estrogen, literally turning them into women. Don't believe me? - there was study done on male rats. These rats were fed GMO foods. Although, the rats who ate the foods did not suffer any immediate effects, their offspring were shown to have diminished reproductive capabilities, and these traits were passed down to the proceeding generation, and a few generations later, the rats' reproductive systems were completely dysfunctional. "

US Reps voted to ban GMO Labeling

U.S. Representatives who voted to ban GMO labeling and deny your right to know what you're eating

Why would they vote to keep us from knowing that?? Is it still considered a conspiracy theory to think they know they're drugging us?

Truth about fluoride doesn't include Nazi myth

"Here's a reason to support a Florida county's decision to cut fluoride out of its drinking water: The idea came from the Nazis.

The Nazis put fluoride in water to pacify Jews during World War II, a local resident told members of the Pinellas County Commission on Oct. 4, 2011, before the commission voted 4-3 vote to stop fluoridating water for about 700,000 residents"

Colorado City Stops Water Fluoridation Following Concerning Study
Joining the rest of the world in refusing fluoride

"The news comes just after the latest groundbreaking study on water fluoridation concluded that there was zero relationship between water fluoridation and cavity prevention."

Harvard Study Confirms Fluoride Reduces Children's IQ

"A recently-published Harvard University meta-analysis funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has concluded that children who live in areas with highly fluoridated water have "significantly lower" IQ scores than those who live in low fluoride areas."

A couple of youtube videos on the subject I had come across:

This one is a video playlist:

This is an interesting video that I ran into last night. It discusses our environment/foods/plastics etc feminizing men.

Here's another:

I read somewhere that the intake of Phthalate esters disrupt the endocrine system, thereby making men less masculine and women more masculine. The bad news is that this chemical is present in a lot of consumer products (such as plastic bowls and condoms). That said, we should worry more about the risk of cancer which arise from the intake of Phthalates. It is a known carcinogen.  Grin

Men are unknowingly allowing themselves to become emasculated, through professional sports, video games, food, the media...hell, even beer increases estrogen production. My old roommate stopped-by the other day - he is one of those beta-hipster types - he moved-in with his gf and in just the past month since I've seen him sprouted moobs...he drinks A LOT of beer and his gf is a vegetarian so he eats a lot of soy, gets no exercise whatsoever and spends his free-time playing X-Box for hours at a time - I can't even imagine what his test levels are.

So, what if what we're eating, the water we bathe or shower in, the plastics we eat out of, the condoms men wear, all are making our men more and more feminized, many before they even get out of the womb?

Is society celebrating men becoming themselves, becoming women, in a freeing way, actually wrong? Should we instead be angry that we've been drugged our whole lives?

Personally, I'm a bit angry we're being drugged, no matter what. :/
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