In my opinion, the tendency to become addicted to borrowing money usually applies to individuals whose lifestyles exceed their monthly income. Every month, they have to borrow money to purchase their desired targets, even though their economic capacity is inadequate for such expenses.
If their targets are essential necessities like food, housing, or everyday clothing, that's not a problem. However, if they accumulate debt based on style alone, the cycle continues, and the debt will never cease until fully repaid, even if they were to win a large lottery prize.
Their life becomes stressful when there is no longer an opportunity to borrow. This often leads to negative activities that have the potential to engage in criminal behavior.
One of the principles of life that must be remembered is that no matter what happens, don't get into debt. This affects our lives to be better than others, making us more able to work hard. Debt behavior is also evidence of mental weakness.
Better change your mindset now. Don't have to owe everything you need, debt is everywhere, bank pawnshops. Buying a cell phone in debt, buying furniture, lifestyle, etc. in debt, even primary needs such as schooling, etc. are in debt. As much as possible, plan as early as possible.
Let's compare, examples of children's school needs.
We use the savings method.
- We have predicted, maybe in the next 6 or 7 months our children will be at school. With an estimated need of $400 to $500
- Yes targeted, you need to save at least $80 or $90 per month
-Must be consistent, savings should not be taken
- it's good to save money. It's up to you to save at the beginning, middle, or end of the month. It's up to you, the important thing is to save at least $ 80 or $ 90
- never late, nothing collected. Who collects himself
-If, for example, on D-day it turns out that the school needs less than $ 500, it is better if the excess savings can be used for other needs
-Even if you don't have enough savings, that's okay, because you don't need as much as you don't have any savings at all
Try the debt method
For example, if you owe $500,
- subject to fines if payment is past due
-To be billed if late, terrorized
-total payment of more than $ 500 that we got. Maybe up to $600
-$100 loss
-every month restless
Note: Debt is allowed, but only for large amounts. It's like building a house, business capital. If so, maybe that's understandable.