I personally believe it is not and new, better innovations are yet to come.
What a crock of fucking shit. You all spew idealism and a feigned interest in "tech" chanting innovation etc.
Problem is you are all 100% full of complete
doge shit.
All of you showed up here to pump & dump Altcoins for profits to get your hands on Bitcoin.
..morphing the scene into a massive digital token pyramid scheme machine.You show up here and caw like crows about having ooooooooooooooooooooh so much fucking integrity
then pop over to Poloniex to trade the latest hyped up shitcoin bullshit for ROI'z.
This forum is LyingForCashCoinPonzi.org
Cry FUD and cash out...............Will it continue ? Yeah.. just as it is now.. accomplishing nothing.
No altcoin has done a fraction of what Bitcoin has yet.
You all parade around what ever is popular as the next big thing chanting "one day"..
while not lifting a finger to get them adopted.Then you vanish when it's not popular anymore.
Simply because you had bags.. and then unloaded them.
Will it continue ?
Of course it will.The Pyramid scheme machine scene will roll on with new entries at the bottom of the pyramid.
Crypto personified in 1 picture..