DO you really think that all the exchanges will stay on the origional blockchain if eth is forked? you realize ethereum is still in development stages and the full version of ethereum is not out yet, each milestone of the ethereum releases are all hard forks, the final version of ethereum will be Serenity.
all the exchanges and development will go to where ever the Ethereum Dev team go,
if miners want to waste their time on the Origional blockchain there more than welcome, but it will be a waste of time. nothing will become of the Origional Ethereum network, no developers - no new development, and at that stage Vitaliks version of ethereum will be nearing full release Serenity.
But noone really cares anymore. Dao should be rewritten.
It will be solved when we forget about it. There will be no hard fork. Just have to let those 3.5 million go. Pretty sure the attacker is generous, and will only keep 1million. The rest will be charity to the miners who keep up the original blockchain we call eth.
If it forks, the new token will be called Deth, and we will go back to eth anyway.
If your sick of eth, and TheDao.
Click on my Sig and sign up for the newsletter. Much better project.
There could be a hard fork in a few days/weeks to solve the hack problem and return the Ethereum.