
Topic: Is the runup being driven by the MMM Global Ponzi? (Read 3049 times)

hero member
Activity: 560
Merit: 500

Several ponzies around without such effect.

They should cause a dump, not a pump

First they make a pump and after they make dump. It's even rime. Problem is that fall is bigger then rise. This ponzi schemes and other 100% and more return investment are around us for some time, I just don't get it how people still believe in that? It's obviously a scam and people still put their money into this things, doesn't matter if its fiat or altcoins. When will they finally be a bit smarter.

If the fall were bigger than the rise, we wouldn't still be up over 3 Million Percent since Bitcoin's inception only 6 years ago
Activity: 3346
Merit: 1191

Several ponzies around without such effect.

They should cause a dump, not a pump

First they make a pump and after they make dump. It's even rime. Problem is that fall is bigger then rise. This ponzi schemes and other 100% and more return investment are around us for some time, I just don't get it how people still believe in that? It's obviously a scam and people still put their money into this things, doesn't matter if its fiat or altcoins. When will they finally be a bit smarter.
hero member
Activity: 560
Merit: 500
Gentlemen, I like to lick my own asshole

What's it like?
hero member
Activity: 560
Merit: 500

Dear Trolls and Shills being paid by the banksters to spread anti-bitcoin FUD:

HSBC's $1.9 Billion Money Laundering Fine

That's one bank and one time they got caught.  Nobody went to jail. Con goes on.

How about this one:

US, Britain fine six top banks nearly $6 bn for forex, Libor abuses  Shocked

So in all, the relevance of your stats adds up to the following:

How do I know that you're a banker shill?  Because you're trying to get people focused on nefarious activity in Bitcoin when the fines paid by the banks for nefarious activity, alone adds up to more than the entire market cap of Bitcoin.  Add in all the Trillions worth of illegal wars and the trillions in hidden bailouts by the Feds who to this day won't name all the banks, and you have the most non-transparent and corrupt financial system that the world has ever seen   Wink
hero member
Activity: 560
Merit: 500
 Roll Eyes

Banksters been trying to emphasize Bitcoin's connections to ponzi's and drug dealers and terrorists since the beginning. Newsflash: Ponzi schemers and drug dealers and terrorists using bitcoin is just evidence of its value LOL  Cheesy
But if you're concerned about it, Bitcoin has a LONG way to go to catch up to those same use cases in US Dollars!  Shocked
hero member
Activity: 742
Merit: 500

MMM is not a "Ponzi"


Of course not!

sr. member
Activity: 392
Merit: 250
Hope you get what's coming for to you...
hero member
Activity: 821
Merit: 1003

Several ponzies around without such effect.

They should cause a dump, not a pump
hero member
Activity: 1288
Merit: 524
Buzz App - Spin wheel, farm rewards
That guy looks like a serial killer/pedo.

This is his 'official' photo, taken pre prison

His official photo still looks pedo

Have a poke around the site , it's alternately funny, sad, absurd and credible in a weird sort of way.
"Calculator of Happiness", "Financial Apocalypse", etc.

The testimonial scroll bar gives you an idea of who is being targeted here (None of the amounts are quoted in bitcoin, it's all fiat).

His official photo still looks pedo
hero member
Activity: 608
Merit: 509
All the "MMM" posts recently might be an attempt at FUD to cool down this rapidly fueling rocketship rally.

May even be gov covert attempt to *yet again* try to associate the word "bitcoin" with "ponzi" and/or other bad financial things to try and put the cat back into the bag.  The controlled media attempts over the last couple years to say, "Oh bitcoin?  Yeah, that failed: nothing to see here, move along move along folks" LOL  apparently were NOT working well enough anymore.  So this could be Plan B.

BUT it occurred to me that this strategy could blow up in their face: Maybe even IF this new rally is driven by something like MMM it's gonna end up being good for bitcoin long term.

Consider this: suppose the rally price increasing IS due to MMM but most people are NOT participating in MMM.

So it nevertheless brings the idea of "bitcoin is increasing in value and it's a good long term store of wealth" faster, to a larger group of people (i.e. the general public).

This in itself then helps fuel universal adoption.

So, when the MMM part of it finally does fail?  At that point, Bitcoin's still stronger and more widely used, so it's real long term value IS still proven... and MMM doesn't change the fundamentals.

TL;DR : no such thing as bad publicity, LOL

hero member
Activity: 770
Merit: 500
I don't think this is the main reason behind the price raise. There are so many scams in Bitcoin that it is hard to concentrate all money in just one of them LOL.
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
I'm not sure exactly how it would work but assuming the guy is running some kind of ponzi scheme, wouldn't he be collecting the fund for himself and then use part of the fund from the newcomers to pay the early joiners? And why would he put the price into bitcoin. And somehow you will need a lot of funding to actually push up the market to that scale. Like I've said earlier, I'm still skeptical whether the recent rally and this is somehow related.
Activity: 2772
Merit: 2846
I hope this gets hugely popular in this forum, pirateat40s ponzi did, despite that (uh time to gloat) I called it a "classical hyip scam" at the first post after OP.

This guy has a very impressive, er, track record that's publicly accessible to anyone. Anyone who goes for it deserves to be goosed. I wasn't around for the pirateat40 thing but let's hope people on here are a teensy bit wiser these days. I wouldn't want to bet on it though.

A post in this thread suggests that pirateat40 invested all the coins sent to him in the MMM Ponzi. Another poster quickly dismisses the suggestion, but perhaps pirateat40 was an innocent-ish patsy, and the real culprit for stealing all those coins was the MMM Ponzi scheme.
Activity: 2590
Merit: 3015
Welt Am Draht
I hope this gets hugely popular in this forum, pirateat40s ponzi did, despite that (uh time to gloat) I called it a "classical hyip scam" at the first post after OP.

This guy has a very impressive, er, track record that's publicly accessible to anyone. Anyone who goes for it deserves to be goosed. I wasn't around for the pirateat40 thing but let's hope people on here are a teensy bit wiser these days. I wouldn't want to bet on it though.

And I just read the pirateat40 thread. Kudos to you.
Activity: 1666
Merit: 1057
Marketing manager - GO MP
I hope this gets hugely popular in this forum, pirateat40s ponzi did, despite that (uh time to gloat) I called it a "classical hyip scam" at the first post after OP.
You guys will swallow everything if it promises fast riches, come on, do it! I can see wide your wide-eyed moon faces already.

Also don't forget to buy more bitcoins so you can invest them in this mountain of awesome.
hero member
Activity: 854
Merit: 503
Legendary trader
I think you guys came to my house and tried to sell me a vacuum cleaner once...

Activity: 2002
Merit: 1040
That guy looks like a serial killer/pedo.

This is his 'official' photo, taken pre prison

Have a poke around the site , it's alternately funny, sad, absurd and credible in a weird sort of way.
"Calculator of Happiness", "Financial Apocalypse", etc.

The testimonial scroll bar gives you an idea of who is being targeted here (None of the amounts are quoted in bitcoin, it's all fiat).

Looks like prison treated him well. Hopefully he's back inside real soon.
hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 1000
Move On !!!!!!
I hope not! Whatever these guys have touched hasn't end up well. This is the last thing that we would need, to get associated with these crooks. I know that media would love this, to connect us to these ponzi scammers. This would be very bad for our reputation that is still not great.
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1000
I doubt this alone has created the price rise.

Of course it has nothing to do with the price.  All the dipshits that went full fiat and had the bus leave without them are spamming endless threads making up any bs imaginable to try and get people to dump so they don't have to pay a 40% markup to get back in the Bitcoin game.
Activity: 1932
Merit: 1737
"Common rogue from Russia with a bare ass."
That guy looks like a serial killer/pedo.

This is his 'official' photo, taken pre prison

Have a poke around the site , it's alternately funny, sad, absurd and credible in a weird sort of way.
"Calculator of Happiness", "Financial Apocalypse", etc.

The testimonial scroll bar gives you an idea of who is being targeted here (None of the amounts are quoted in bitcoin, it's all fiat).
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