your argument is simply not possible. the reason is, that although protein folding is an optimization process and you could replicate this measure of difficulty in a way of finding a solution that is at least of some certain quality, it still won't do the necessary trick. this kind of optimization has an unknown optimal value and the amount of work is in no way predictable. the reason why it is unpredictable is based on the fact, that you optimize real-world data which is not homogeneous and contains additional information (in an abstract sense). this means, this is a calculation based on processing data and extracting information (the structure). the sha256 hashing done for the blockchain is homogeneous and does not incorporate any additional information. therefore it's progress and outcome (after trying hashes) can be predicted even before the procedure has even started.
I'm considering using a relative progress in the progression of the action as a measure of difficulty.
difficulty = - ln(A_new/A_previous)
Historical data about difficulty progression should, at least in a statistical sense, give some predictability.
also, imagine the inverse: you somehow (by physical experiment) already know the solution to a protein folding problem and now you get it as your workload. this would make you the immediate winner and you get the block reward. hence, the pre knowledge saved you cpu power and that's not desirable in any way.
Well, this is not much different from SHA-256, is it? I mean, I could know some stuff you don't know about SHA digests and then this "pre-knowledge" would save me some CPU.
Edit. Even if it was possible to know the solution of a protein folding problem (I doubt it is: you can know the geometrical structure of a folded molecule by crystallographic methods I guess, but you won't know the folding process), that wouldn't be a problem, unless you're ready to do that all the time for all molecules. You would just trade CPU against the real life time and efforts you'd put in your experiments. To me, this would be fair enough.
thus, securing the blockchain (in the way bitcoin does) must not depend on any higher information, just raw data plus a "useless" computation.
It can rely on higher information, as long as nobody has such information. If nobody has it, it's just as if it didn't exist. And nobody can magically solve the problem of folding molecules without doing brute force attempts, just as nobody can find an arbitrary small digest without brute force attempts. I'm just not convinced by your argument, as I don't see any fundamental difference between digests and folding molecules.