People have tried, and are still trying to bruteforce an address with funds in it. To my knowledge no one has done it yet
Nor is that likely to occur unless and until either the breakers aquire a 150+ qbit quantum computer or a serious flaw is discovered in the address algo. Even if
both were to occur, the odds of succes aren't particularly high.
So you're telling me there's a chance??Yes, there is a chance.
I know. Its a reference to 'dumb & dumber'.
Lloyd: What do you think the chances are of a guy like you and a girl like me... ending up together?
Mary: Well, Lloyd, that's difficult to say. I mean, we don't really...
Lloyd: Hit me with it! Just give it to me straight! I came a long way just to see you, Mary. The least you can do is level with me. What are my chances?
Mary: Not good.
Lloyd: You mean, not good like one out of a hundred?
Mary: I'd say more like one out of a million.
Lloyd: So you're telling me there's a chance... *YEAH!*