You mean you want to install the linux on Windows OS I mean you wan't it to run them in dual boot? or you are planning to install the Linux in VMware?
Nope a dual boot
If you want to install linux you must create new partion first then install linux in a new created partion after installation it should ask if what OS you want to boot every time you restart it.
Yes I have my partitions and everything done already (not missing an opportunity to use dispart.exe and then setting the partitions in the setup wizzard).
I'll take a look at that guide however, I assumed I'd done everything right as there weren't that many steps to it in the install wizzard (or didn't seem to be at least).
If you are using windows 10 I heard that dual boot on windows 10 is not working.
I found a solution
here it might help.
I downgraded it to Windows 7 in a protest to how much I hate Windows 10.
that video wasn't particularly relevant. I had to put up with a fairly thick american accent for 10 minutes as well
I'm going to try to redo another install in a few days and see if that fixes the issue.