This is the story across world. Mostly people who are involved in bitcoin related stuff have made some money and ensured that they grow in their lives. Also in my country unemployed people are now becoming self dependent to some extent as they are working on projects related to cypto currencies and investing in it.
Yeah it's the same in the US. In the US it's a love and a distrust type of relationship. Most Americans have been brain washed by the News stations and are buying into the whole "Bitcoin is bad , Bitcoin's for drug dealers and pornographers" which is the same stupid narrative that they used to say about the Internet when it first came out, but no one here seems to remember or even care.
The smart people in the US are the ones who are getting rich from Bitcoin, the smart ones just so happen to be the one's who distrust Government which owns all the news stations which controls the narrative. News sources like CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, etc. are constantly creating fake new's stories with fake names, and fake skirmishes around the country and the world to fool the American people into eventually bowing down before the state, sooner or later you're going to need an ID card just to walk in to a grocery store and buy food! And It's slowly getting worse.
When it comes to buying Bitcoin, the government acts like a silent killer, it will allow you to buy it , but if you don't sign a paper that tells them that you own it then they'll take it from you!
And guess what?
The document that you're supposed to sign doesn't even exist!!!
Have a wonderful day,