There are a couple headers you can use to detect HTTP and SOCKS 4/5 proxies(the non-"elite" ones). VPN subsets, VPS, and stealth proxies require scraping and building IP blacklists and optionally detecting region changes using a region-subnet cached DB..
It's about 20 lines of PHP including the PDO DB code..
I tried this code
$proxy_headers = array(
foreach($proxy_headers as $x){
if (isset($_SERVER[$x])) { die("You are using a proxy!");}
// M
But it said my real ip as proxy
The above code is really effective, but sometime blocks non-proxy users also (but about 90% accurate)
There are paid options like getip intel, very good service you are using FaucetBox script, then nastyhosts is there, in my opinion they are one of the best because when my faucet got drained in just a few minutes I used it. I had to use it manually, but blocked 99% of proxy or bad ip's through htaccess.
I had done it manually, just catch a bad IP, check it with then use ASN blocklist to block the whole bad IP range far my collection of bad IP's check your analytics data and block spam referral traffic
RewriteEngine on
# Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} example\.com [NC]
RewriteRule .* - [F]
Hope it is helpful