I am checking it out now...it is exactly what I was trying to find out. Thanks! There are so many threads here that is sometimes tough to find what you are looking for (even after using the search function).
Yeah that one is not something with obvious search terms necessarily, we didn't mean the referral to it in the usual "use the search bar n00b" fashion. Luckily there are humans who aggregate content too... we just prefer it offloaded to a search whenever possible
No problem, I appreciate the response . I was trying to explain the distribution of bitcoin to a few people at my office that are not invested and I couldn't find any literature on it.
Then that's a great thread, because it is made and tracked by a few folks with a large amount of them, and the whole point is to see if they are getting more distributed over time. If, as a long-term pattern, Bitcoin tends toward consolidation beyond what is just mathematically normal, and necessary for market functions (this is a standard pareto distribution), that is counter to its objective, and we must figure out why Bitcoin is not incentive-compatible to self-regulation around a normal pareto.
Lots of game theory babble in my paragraph there, so the tl;dr before you zip off to wikipedia, is that the early adopters, by and large, are just as interested that Bitcoin be a system that tends toward fair (again, fair meaning mathematically fair, not everyone-gets-a-yacht "fair") as new users. And the good news is, this looks to be the case so far. It's not always easy to tell, because "lost" coins and "held" coins look the same unless they're moving, but we try to get a grasp on it.