We are already had the news on this australian man being satoshi a couple of months ago, and Greg Maxwell quickly proved that this was bullshit in reddit with some proof, so I wonder what he has to say now about it again. I think this guy is just desperate for attention. If he was satoshi he just had to move the coins and that's all.
And no one should forget that: EVEN if he moved the original coins that are supposedly satoshi's coins, it wouldn't prove anything this point, because we can't know if satoshi had the coins stolen and then ended up on this guys hand's due having connections inside the inner circle of the original developer team and so on. There's just nothing this Craig Wright dude can do to convince anyone that he is Satoshi, and Satoshi would never be stupid enough to want to become a public figure, which pretty much discredits anything this hoaxer has to say.
I would say that moving coins known to belong to satoshi and/or signing a message from one or more address that is known to belong to satoshi would reasonably prove that he is satoshi, as would signing a message from satoshi's GPG key (DE4E FCA3 E1AB 9E41 CE96 CECB 18C0 9E86 5EC9 48A1 and not any one other then this one).
I don't think that theft was all that much of a problem as of the time that satoshi left, and I think he would have said something if he coins were stolen up to shortly after he left.
He could have had everything stolen, including PGP keys and all. I personally don't trust anything at this point. Satoshi would never come out and reveal that he is satoshi because he is too smart and knows that he gains nothing from doing so, so whoever comes out claiming it's satoshi it's an instant fake for me, no matter what proof he has to provide.
Sure satoshi could have had all his keys stolen, however the same is true for anyone else whose identity you are verifying with a signed message. If that was the case then the "real" satoshi would still be able to revoke his GPG key, and could produce a signed message saying that the person who is claiming to be him is not really him.
The value of satoshi's bitcoin is worth a lot, close to a half billion dollars (by some estimates) and I think it is reasonable to believe that someone whose keys are worth that much would take sufficient precautions to prevent such keys from being stolen.
Another point is the fact that satoshi's keys are probably worth more to someone if they were to simply spend his bitcoin verses trying to impersonate him. It is estimated that satoshi mined roughly a million bitcoin, however all of the bitcoin that he mined is not publicly known (all of his addresses are not known), so he could spend some of these coins and no one would probably even realize that they are receiving satoshi's (stolen) coins.