Transaction: bd1eb35fff0c7b95e1acc800b6ef95beded00d29911e19e3474edfb849bf71bc
Payment system: Bitcoin (BTC)
Amount: 0.04366632 BTC = 29.03 USD or 26 EURO - Instant
Withdraw to: 3CkdEsJewqiETMw5saWNT61c8jXqPgwr3r
Date: 2016-07-22 08:22:13
Total purchased Waste: 5650 Kg = 1130 EURO or 2.3 BTC
PURCHASED A SHARE FORKLIFT: 41 SHARES = 1025 KG WASTE (Available shares: 159)
Instruction automation control:
- To properly invest money go to the MEMBER'S AREA;
- Press BUY - WASTE put the number of 100 kg = 20 € ;
- Edit profile --> Restart automatically and take profit --> SAVE
- That's all, have only to withdraw.
Profit is 14% of Deposit for 35 days.
Инcтpyкция PУC aвтoмaтизaция yпpaвлeния:
- Чтoбы пpaвильнo влoжить дeньги пepexoдитe в paздeл ЛИЧHЫЙ КAБИHET;
- Haжимaeтe КУПИTЬ - OTXOДЫ cтaвим кoличecтвo 100 kg = 20 eвpo;
- Peдaктиpoвaть пpoфиль --> Aвтoмaтичecки нaчинaть зaнoвo и пoлyчaть пpибыль --> COXPAHИTЬ;
- Ha этoм вce, ocтaлocь тoлькo вывecти.
Дoxoд cocтaвляeт 14% oт дeпoзитa зa 35 днeй.
So, here's one proof that Recyclix is paying. And I think it was established for over a year I think. And the way they give the profit seems legit. Anyways, I have an account there but I do not invest yet. I just re-compound the free $20 signup bonus.