I just received this e-mail from Kraken:
We have partnered with Bnk to the Future to create a rare, but limited opportunity for both large and small investors to own shares of Kraken stock. On May 20th, Bnk to the Future will offer preferred shares of Kraken stock to registered users on their platform. Preferred shares of Kraken stock can be purchased until June 20th, with a minimum investment of only $1,000.
Interested clients should register an account (If you do not have one already) with Bnk to the Future at
https://bnktothefuture.com. If you already have an account with Bnk to the Future, please visit the offering page at:
https://bnktothefuture.com/pitches/kraken/landing. Once registered, the Bnk to the Future platform will guide you through the investment process, including steps for compliance verification and accreditation. Any questions on the registration process can be answered at
We will continue to look for ways to democratize access to our equity, allowing more of our valued clients to become valued investors.Thank you for choosing Kraken, the most trusted and secure digital asset exchange.
The Kraken Team
My initial though about this was "What the hell does Kraken need to raise funds for?". And though I haven't visited any of the links provided, my understanding of preferred shares in a company is that they function more as a debt instrument than an equity one, which would make the bolded part in the above quote misleading. I could certainly be wrong about that.
I haven't read anything about this in the Exchanges section, so that's why I started this topic. If this is a legitimate e-mail and preferred stock offering, they're obviously raising money. Are they in need of cash? Are they in trouble financially? I'm curious as to whether anyone knows what's going on here.
By the way, I can't stand Kraken as an exchange and don't use them anymore. They offer no advantages over Binance and I think their website's functionality just sucks.