Go ahead and start mining, live like a king! I got into mining in 2012 and now I've got a Ferrari, a Tesla, and I live in a mansion, all thanks to bitcoin mining! Anyone with a half brain should buy mining gear and start minting money right away. Do Not Wait!!
LOL But I look back on my bitcoin interests and when I started I managed to _buy_ a bitcoin by going to Walmart and getting a money transfer or something, back when even with the fees the bitcoin cost me like $27 and it wasn't long before I sold a single bitcoin and bought a 3 foot Samsung Smart TV. Loving it I bought a ztex that was way over priced, then thumb asics, and then a Mercury - I was riding high and added another card to the Merc. I had been completely duped by MtGox as safe and lost maybe half my bitcoins. Then S3's, S3+'s, C1's and an S5. But I never really knew my true electric costs and was busily caught up in keeping them running. Then I did the math and discovered my electric utility had different rates for winter and summer and found I was running at a loss. I had always kept my winter heating bills low, turning off the heat when I'd be out and dropping it way down at night, never mind the long underware throughout winter months. A thing that is when heating with bitcoin miners, one really doesn't want to shut them down and light them up every time one goes shopping so some are running at a loss when it isn't smart. And the 113 difficulty - and Eligius having a round time of 59 hours right now and the last was 2 days at least, things are tough. But I love the TV.
Oh, forgot I prepaid for a jalapeno then waited and waited and waited and when it arrived its hashrate was just a little inside the low hashrate return product acceptance - like they begrudged sending out products to those who prepaid and sent the better to friends and new buyers at a huge markup - and at that point when the Jalapeno arrived it was just about at break even.