I came across an article a few days ago. But, I can't trace it back to share the link here with you. But, some points that I can recollect from that article are as follows.
People trade with their emotions: they have an initial specific amount to trade but, getting on to the exchange they change their mind and trade higher amounts which results in big losses.
I have to agree with what the article said, Trade discipline takes quite sometime to develop after hitting a few pitfalls before developing trading plans and applying money management to our trades. And I think the main culprit that leads to trading with emotions is we do not acknowledge that we can not always win,hence when we see a nice trade setup we take it and risk a lump some on it without weighing the possibility of a failed trade.
So under the article, I could remember points like writing down every action you've made while trading. Stuff like, I lost xx amount of money today, made x amount of profits today.
Sounds like a good idea but this could be too much work
What are your thoughts on having a trading journal to better your trading experience?
Tbh, I have not taken this up but if this is likely to improve my trading journey then journal's it is