the Milky Way galaxy is huge. And, to top it off, it's only one of hundreds of billions of galaxies. we are the only intelligent life? 1 in a billion/trillion? not sure.
That is very logic question dude!
I was always think about it. How can be possible that we are the only species in this Universe?
There are around 1 billion galaxies, in every galaxy there around 1 billion solar system and in every solar system there are also around 1 billion planets... No way!O.o
Srsly some of you people should go to school or college again.
It is not expensive depending on where you live and will make you smarter for sure.
Even you robin
If you think that the school system will make you smarter, then feel free to continue and I am sure that in the next 4 years you will have IQ above 200...
Now on topic! I am researching the Bible for 1 year and here is some evidence that tell us more about the story in the Old Testament:
The Message of the Anunnaki: We are here, among youThe Message of the Anunnaki: An Incredible text first published in 1958
According to the November-December 1958 editions of Flying Saucer Magazine, the Ancient Anunnaki were in fact on Earth in the distant past.
“We are already here, among you. Some of us have always been here, with you, yet apart from, watching, and occasionally guiding you whenever the opportunity arose.”
According to Brinsley Le Poer Trench, editor of Flying Saucer Review, this otherworldly message appeared for the first time in a 1947 issue of Fanatic Stories written by an author under the pseudonym “Alexander Blade”. Curiously, it was made available only a few months after one of the most talked-about UFO incidents: Roswell.
The article which many believe is in fact evidence of the ancient Anunnaki reads:
“We have been confused with the gods of many world-religions, although we are not gods, but your fellow creatures, as you will learn directly before many more years have passed. You will find records of our presence in the mysterious symbols of ancient Egypt, where we made ourselves known in order to accomplish certain ends.”
“Our principal symbol appears in the religious art of your present civilization and occupies a position of importance upon the great seal of your country (The United States of America). It has been preserved in certain secret societies founded originally to keep alive the knowledge of our existence and our intentions toward mankind.”
After their chilling introduction, the “Gods” of ancient man continue talking about human advancements and ancient civilizations, specifically ancient Egypt where it seems that the Ancient Anunnaki were very involved:
“We have left you certain landmarks, placed carefully in different parts of the globe, but most prominently in Egypt where we established our headquarters upon the occasion of our last overt, or, as you would say, public appearance. At that time the foundation of your present civilization were ‘laid in the earth’ and the most ancient of your known landmarks established by means that would appear as miraculous to you now as they did to the pre-Egyptians, so many thousands of years ago.”
Link to the article and the other messages: it time to start to read the Bible and try to understand all those messages and symbols?