Your mistake is vast underestimation of the space of possible hashes. The block header is 640 bits long, of which 288 bits can be chosen more or less freely (Merkle root and nonce), meaning there are 2^288 different headers to try. If someone chooses these completely randomly and calculates a pentillion hashes (10^18), the chance of a collision (trying the same header twice) is less than 10^(-50). So, for all purposes, the hash space is infinite, there is no chance of collision, and random hashing is just as good as sequential.
Now, more technically, the nonce is the easiest part to change, and since it's only 32 bits, it does get checked sequentially (if you tried millions of nonces randomly you would get collisions). But that's implementation details.
Thanks dude with more technical bitcoin knowledge than me!
Helped me understand the inner workings of bitcoin more.
Oh, I don't know anything myself, I just quote what I read
here .
Wait wait wait a minute. If they're using non-repeating values of any sort, are clients not "making progress" towards a low enough hash value? If they're leaving behind non-matching hashes that they're not going to try again, obviously they are making progress then because there are less total possible hashes left to try.
Implementation details. If the nonce was longer (say 128 bits), you could just pick nonces randomly. If the Merkle root was easy to change, you could just use a different random Merkle root and nonce for every hash. But a compromise was reached with a short nonce which is checked sequentially, followed by a random change in the Merkle root. There's "no progress" in the sense that if you hashed for X minutes and didn't find a block, you aren't any closer to finding one than you were in the beginning. (That you don't try the same header twice only means that your progress isn't negative.)
But also, how is everyone working with different block contents? You mean previous block contents or current block contents? It has to be based on the block before it so does everyone just grab a random partial piece of the last block and not all of it then when it claims to have a legit block, it tells the verification system what specific chunk it used? Or is the difference the transactions they're processing and the transactions are included in the about-to-be-hashed chunk of data and each ransaction only gets grabbed by one pool so each pool's attempted block is different?
You say you read the documentation, yet you keep asking these very basic questions.
This page details the contents of a block header. One of the fields is the hash of the previous block, this much doesn't change between different miners at the same time. The main thing that changes is the Merkle root, a hash of a data structure of all of the transactions to be included in the block. Assuming everyone knows and willing to include all transactions, most of the data doesn't change between different miners. What does change is the generation transaction. Everyone uses an address of his own in it. Also, there's "extra nonce" in this transaction which can be chosen freely. Hash functions being what they are, every such change alters the Merkle root in ways you can't imagine. Thus, the Merkle root can be for all purposes chosen randomly.
This will all become so much clearer to you if you hang around for a while.