lol talk about scaremongering, Israel could turn the entire Middle East to dust if they so wished. There is absolutely no risk of Israel being destroyed, anyone who believes that is just pandering to the Zionist fear factory.
Even if the the US did stop providing military aid (which I doubt will ever happen), there is still no Muslim nation that can match Israel's military capability.
Have you seen how tiny Israel is in a geographic map of the middle east? Yes they are mighty now, but if god forbid ISIS took over the whole Arab world and one day marched a million soldiers towards Jerusalem, no amount of weaponry is going to save them. Yes they might be able to nuke their enemies but will just kill themselves in the process.
The reason Israel maintains a strong military is BECAUSE they are outnumbered by a huge margin, 8 million Israelis v.s 365 million Arabs, it is staggering...
anyone who believes that is just pandering to the Zionist fear factory.
I think the only ones living in irrational fear are people who thinks a nation the size of Rhode Island is the world's number 1 threat.