You should include boost libraries via -l (lowcase L) option WITHOUT lib prefix. It's added automagically by linker I guess. For linux build I included:
-Wl,-Bstatic \
-l boost_system \
-l boost_filesystem \
-l boost_program_options \
-l boost_thread \
...not mentioning db_cxx and some others.
(is a makefile for g++ with mingw going to be the same as one natively run on linux?)
The makefile for mingw is using -l and the included defaults in the original 0.3.12 makefile looked like:
-l libboost_system-mgw34-mt-d \
-l libboost_filesystem-mgw34-mt-d \
-l libboost_program_options-mgw34-mt-d \
-l libboost_thread-mgw34-mt-d \
So I did a find in the boost directory and was presented with a lot of things that looked similar so I just modified the makefile to match what the find returned...removing the -mgw45-mt-d-1_44 part makes compilation fail. Modifying my makefile too much makes it fail as well, and I don't really want to deviate too far from from what was provided as the default makefile for mingw under windows (I think what I'm doing this far is more or less working because it makes it all the way to program_options before giving me errors).
Also please note that removing 'lib' does not seem to matter, it still gets to the program_options part and fails with the same error messages I posted earlier
For example, if I run
find . -name "libboost_program_options*" -print
in my source/libraries directory I get all of this:
(output from the mingw shell)
[username]@Desktop /c/Users/[username]/Desktop/bitcoin-CUDA-svn153-src-gpl
$ find . -name "libboost_program_options*" -print
The only other thing I can maybe think of is that I should be adding .a or .dll to the end of each line...but the ones prior to program_options seem to be doing ok with out it, so I'm still stumped
In case anyone wants to take a look at the full compilation output up until the errors: was not done after a fresh make clean because it would be very long, I could however provide that if it would be helpful.