As I wrote in the beginning. I will thank you with good money. I have money. I am on the verge of a scientific discovery and I need your help.
To start my mechanism, I need to know one private key from 10,000,000 Bitcoin Addresses. As I wrote at the beginning, all these Bitcoin Addresses have a zero balance. I chose them not by chance. All these addresses will be used in the algorithm as a starting point. In order to start the movement I need a starting point. The starting point is a private number. If you translate this number into Hex format via the “Decimal to Hex” script, you get a Private Key of 256bit. My goal and task is to find this number!
Lets be serious for a moment:
Finding a private key to one of 10000000 addresses is quite impossible using brute force. BitCrack wont help you in this That is, assuming we do not know how the addresses were generated.
But if you really are on the verge of breaking the whole encryption behind Bitcoin and the only thing you need is finding one of the private keys to your generated addresses, then I CAN help you.
You DON'T need to find any of them! It is not important to find how many times G goes to one of your points.
PubKey = PrivKey * G Instead you can select your own starting point G, lets call it W. A point really close to one of your public keys, so you can easily solve for
PubKey = PrivKey * W Now you know the "Private key" to one of your addresses (in relation to W).
Then you just need to use your magic formula and solve how many times W goes to get G.
With that information you can then crack any key, as long as you can crack it in relation to W first.
Good luck