Boomdirect is doing live webinaires since it started. they work with transparency, they show their faces their identities and their work location. there is nothing to be worried about because in case they plan to scam then we know who they are.
i'm in this website since january 2015
if you've read the article then you'll understand that i'm not the only one who get profits from my refferal link. you will get profit more profit than me because i have a high amount there and my trades will give you higher lots
"there is nothing to be worried about because in case they plan to scam then we know who they are"
Now i will invest all money I have in this site, because if they scam me, i will know that they are scammers
I just don't understand why are you promoting your referral links to faucets and trying to earn few satoshi if you have such a great investment site where you can earn lots of money. I see your nick in every single bitcoin forum i can find online with referral links. Why are you using faucets if you are earning with this site? If this is old site, can you explain why nobody has never heard about it?
if you've read what i wrote then you would know that since 4 months we didn't make profis since we fused with i had enough from waiting and waiting that's why i turned to Micro Earning. and micro earnign is also good. i was collecting about 400.000 satoshi daily. it's better than nothing. anway, something i shouldn't mentioned in my post. there is a free access to the website. you can test it for 6 months freely but after that you'll have to invest and start trading. i'm promoting it because trading in groupe will give us more profit than trading solo. please read the article before talking or judging
Do you realize how ridiculous does this sound - "we have spend 4 months building site and finnaly it started" - than you say site is from january 2015(its year and half, not 4 months), than you say you invested 50$ in serious trading site! And Than you are telling people to join "your site" through your referral link
And you are talking "them and their" site, than "our" site, than "we", than "they" I am confused here