They tried until the end especially after Fiorentina lost a player but 1 goal back in extra time was not enough to bring them to the point in this match and they must be willing to lose points again which makes their statistics look even worse especially after 1 win in the last 5 matches.
Indeed, fortunately Fiorentina had previously been ahead by 2 goals from Lazio, so when they lost players, they could keep their distance. And here, even Lazio had quite a hard time attacking Fiorentina who only played with 10 players since the 63rd minute.
Lazio really missed so many chances, just imagine, since the 63rd minute, Lazio has been very dominant. even attack after attack they did to Fiorentina,
as many as 22 shots. but???
Only 3 shots on target and 1 goal only. How bad, the attack.