Inter's first loss wasn't expected, not against a mid table team. So now in Europe, it is only the EPL and La Liga that still have unbeaten teams. And it was only 3 weeks ago when we had four leagues still with teams trying to go the entire season, but it's no surprise that by mid-season we already see losses. Man City look the likeliest to keep their run for a few more weeks, then again so did Inter until last night.
@SaShiRaJaVu: this is the lesson I've learnt with accumulators: never pad it up with a "sure bet" unless you're taking a parlay of many "sure bets". I've wasted great parlays in the past getting the "difficult" games right only to be let down by one surprise result which only offered a 1.2 or so padding.
Tonight, Juventus will win and climb to second place, two giants breating down Napoli's neck, but I'm still hoping for them!