LOL so much fail... brainwashing in this thread run so deep. Neckbeards don't even see which side they're on...
Children are brainwashed from day 1 that:
blue is for boys, pink is for girls.
Boys must wear "boyish" clothes, and girls "girlish" clothes. The actual style doesn't matter, as long as it conforms with mainstream dogma. Conformity for the sake of "safety" because concerned parents don't want their darling children to get exposed to other people's prejudice and bullying, when in actual fact it's their own fear and prejudice that gets transferred, thus perpetuating the cycle.
boy toys, girl toys...
That their urinating bits are like an implanted microchip in a dystopian movie where, inevitably, it's some robots or an over-the-top communist society that dictates their personal future. Think: Logan's Run.
Sorry but that theory has been proven incorrect. It has been demonstrated with peer reviewed studies that gender preferences towards certain toys for example are innate BEFORE socialization. This is also echoed in primate tests. also explains why certain industries are dominated by men, and some are dominated by women, in spite of large programs to incentivize a more balanced gender demographic. far as designating males blue and females pink, I am not sure I would classify that as "brainwashing". Additionally I find color choices to be largely inconsequential to this discussion, because we are talking about changing a child's gender identity by having them switch gender roles. EVERYONE has a gender role, like it or not. Colors are potentially indicative of gender, but if you saw a boy wearing pink pants, or a girl wearing a blue dress, chances are there would be no confusion about their gender for anyone.
People may feel more like one gender other than their biology, but the fact remains they still are either forced to choose one, or deal with the consequences that come to any individual for being "different". I don't think it is appropriate to confuse the gender identities of every child on an industrial scale just so that a minority of people who are unhappy with their biological gender are unwilling to either accept their biological state, or continue to deal with what happens to ANY individual when they are "different" regardless of gender.
I am not saying ostracizing people for being "different" is acceptable, but I also find it fairly naive to assume that you can condition this response out of people. It is pretty much a biological vestige of evolutionary processes. People who do not look like you are not of your tribe, and therefore potentially pose a threat.
I certainly don't think educational institutions have a right to do this either, because it also has negative effects upon children who are comfortable with their own gender by creating confusion which was not there previously during a critical stage of forming their own gender identity.
Not every boy and girl are brainwashed. In fact most boys and girls are perfectly happy just being boys and girls. What gives anyone the right to take that away from them en-mass to satiate a small group of people?