who the heck cares if characters are white and black, shheesshh this color tagging is getting sickening already
Giving preference to certain individuals just because of their race (african / whatevre) is racism, which is exactly what the politicians are enforcing.
Id say a black super mario could be interpreted as very racist.
.... This is one of those moments where I seriously hope I'm being trolled and people on this planet aren't actually this stupid, half the people on this forum don't even know what racism fucking is.
You're definately not being trolled. You're being blind.
The Whole anti-racism and feminism movement have the exact same agenda. Divide and conquer, divide society in the most basic categorize of male/female and the second m skin-color. Make us buisy discussing NONSENSE so that we don't have time for the real matters. Ok, so 2 Things are happening.
1, Society becomes divided. Anyone who sees threw the lies are classed as sexist, racist or in America you'd be called communist if its about politics. In Europe it's nazi if you oppose either anti-racists or feminists. Nazi's are the worst People of the Earth remember. Like Al Qaida, but white. Oh, but not the nazis in Ukraine. They are EU's tool so they good. Very good. Nice boys them nazis in Ukraine.
2, Anti-racism breeds racism. Stating that old fasioned racism is bad is stating the obvious. Racism is narrow-mindedness, prejudice and not having experience of People from other cultures. But this is 2014. And for those who don't, for example older people more keen on country music and whiskey, let them be. No reason to HUNT down people for their prejudice and shuv it down their throat that they're wrong. Who cares if they're wrong?
People are wrong all the time, everywhere, about everything. Being a redneck racist and shouting it out to the crowds does NOT have to be punishable by law. Society and people punishes them by not liking them as much. It's called natural social evolution. What media is doing is called social engineering. Anyways, racism is bad ok, We know this by now. But what media and politicians are doing now breeds more deeply rooted real blind racism. They are saying that calling a negro a negro is racism and shouldn't be allowed. Why? Negro is just a
fucking word. If you tell me that calling a black man black is racism YOU are implying that being black is something bad. That's the whole point of anti-racism - to create racism. To divide the different people of Babylon so that they cannot come together as 1. THIS IS KNOWLEDGE THAT'S THOUSANDS OF YEARS OLD. Just that they didn't print it in your schoolbook or newspaper(Because the book is about how to herd sheep, like yourself. Like the kings, church and emperors have done for thousands of years).
Anyway, my 2 points are perhaps 1, perhaps 5. This is a rant. I hate this subject because its so fucking basic yet nobody understands it(Well, a few, obviously and thankfully). I do however feel the need to print it out because even though I suspect there's 1 or perhaps 2 paid internet propaganda writers here it could just as well be 2 mislead sheep that repeats what the establishment is saying to feel they uphold morals and shit thats good. F you both, you're dead wrong.