Sorry for my poor english. nope it's not yet resolved. -snip-
Your English is fine, it's not as bad as mine
The problem is you hadn't stated it clearly and didn't actually replied to the previous posts (
but did after answering a question),
What I get is: you've mentioned about a BTC balance in a mining pool then proceeded to mention the wallet.
Then you didn't tell if you have the passphrase for the wallet (
in the OP) but given a clue that you didn't in the previous reply.
BTW, it's what I've said in my previous reply.
You need to at least know a couple of possible passphrases or parts to bruteforce it.
it sync but according to my adress it has some but not showing in btc core
Where did you found the address? In a txt file? You shouldn't rely on that.
Have you properly loaded your wallet.dat?
You need to paste it in the
data directory\wallets while Bitcoin Core isn't running then it will issue a rescan at start.