iXcoin now at 40 Peta-Hash network [Security].
The distance [in network security] between iXcoin and 99% of the alts is getting ridiculous.
Yet [still] nobody sees this massive advantage yet. People really are sheep eating up anything the Bitcoin "experts" throw at them.
I notice so many new coins at the top at cryptsy, but I wonder why.
I tend to think its miners pumping the coins(correct me if I am wrong though)
miners with lots of money though.
At the same time, they are ignoring many of the older coins, ixcoin included.
But I wonder about the obvious similarity with the name ixcoin compared to ixquick(the search engine).
Is ixquick involved with ixcoin? if so, how are they involved, and what are their plans?
I still think you should change your profile pic vladGRRRRR, I've tried for 6 months to change my profile pic but Theymos isn't making enough millions every month to patch up that hole and allow for profile updates.
iXquick has nothing to do with iXcoin and I doubt there's any confusion since I've never heard of it.
Yes, lots more popular coins on top at Cryptsy and everywhere else. There's multiple reasons for that.
A) People get excited about new coins which have new (mostly meaningless) features and new coins also have more hype.
B) iXcoin has always lacked features and experts like Andreas have always told people it's all about features so people instantly ignored iXcoin.
C) iXcoin had that small premine issue up until recently and just like features, it was totally blown out of proportion which labeled iXcoin as a scam coin on top of it having no features.
Combine all those things and iXcoin became arguably the least favorite and least popular coin in the world.
Looking back, it's clear to me it was all very cleverly engineered. I say that because it's clear now that any top features can be added on and the whole premine fiasco was for nothing since the dev, Thomas, has been paying off the bounties in full.
So all that hate for iXcoin then was really with ZERO substance, it was all made up.
Pretty smart if you want to keep everyone away from the coin while you amass millions - and the merge mine early on also helped in keeping anyone from mining too many coins.
The good thing about the latter is that iXcoin may the best distributed coin out there, more evenly distributed than even Bitcoin.
So my advice is buy a coin for advantages that count, like a really good name and community and network security, which most coins lack and will never have, and don't focus so much on the features since that's something any coin can steal and keep as its own.