Could you tell me what features it has? (except you having 40k coins of it)
You're thinking like a computer guy.
Think like a consumer. A dumb consumer. A dumb consumer in a huge herd looking to make millions overnight just like your neighbor John, cause if he did it I know I can too. Think like that idiot cause there's over 100 million hamburger eating, diet choke drinking sheep just like that and they have no idea what bitcoin is but they're soon gonna find out and in a big way.
For example, Bitcoin has the least features compared to the newer coins, and the reason is simple, it was the first, a prototype - while all the rest built on Bitcoin's weaknesses.
So let me ask: why is bitcoin $100 while PPcoin is worth pennies when Bitcoin drains the energy of a nuclear powerplant while PPcoin is as green as you can get?
The reason is people don't care about features. This isn't a convertible car versus one with AC. People aren't looking for utility, this is digital and that much they know - it's not real, so they look for what they can understand and right now 98% of the alt coin market participants are the best and most computer literate guys.
So what happens in 6-12 months when bitcoin really takes off and the average joe wants in on the riches of bitcoin and he's willing to speculate and risk by investing say $3,000?
You think Joe is gonna buy bitcoin at $200 or he's gonna look for the closest thing to what he sees as an expensive coin - something just like that valuable bitcoin? You think the average person is going to do massive research to find the one with power breaks and ABS?
No, cause they all understand it's not real so most won't even think about features. What most will look for is a clone - a coin just like bitcoin, or close to it, cause if it's just like bitcoin then it has to go up cause look, bitcoin went up.
And let me tell you, it's gonna be hard to find a coin which resembles bitcoin that is better and has been around longer than ixCoin. Cause that's another thing people look at, how long has this coin been around. Cause most will worry a new coin may be a scam so as far as I'm concerned - looking at it from the point of view of marketing, mass media, and herd mentality - ixCoin is up there in the top 5 coin one should risk some money accumulating.
Cause the hype is coming - count on it. Bitcoin was started by the state and the banks and they want it to succeed badly so get ready for some mad hype and we're gonna go from a 1% participation rate now to some crazy 50%+ market participants and for about a year there will not be enough coins to go around and these lemmings will buy anything which they see as the next bitcoin and ixCoin has a lot of that DNA.
Decion is another one of those that has the potential to really take off for reasons other than what a computer guy would ever think about. I've accumulating devcoin at a much higher clip than any other coin.
And man, I think a CatholicCoin would take off like crazy but nobody seems to get it, but I can't program and i have little cash to hire anyone, so I'm stuck waiting on that one.
Buy and hold as many coins as you can cause the mad media hype is coming.
Good luck.