Please solar power it, just to be the first and show it can be done with a little 50w panel...
A 50 watt panel would only be enough to power it during the day, and probably not the whole day either.
I'd recommend a 200-300 watt panel, a deep-cycle battery around 80-100 amp-hours, and a charge controller - this way it could run 24/7 only on solar power, worst case scenario that battery could run it for at least a full 24 hours.
how much would this setup cost?? and can i get the stuff at bitcoinstore?
I only glanced at the bitcoinstore, but it looks like no, you can't. Additionally, you can't get wet lead-acid batteries shipped to you, you'd be better off looking for them locally (make sure to get deep-cycle, not a car battery).
It's not quite as simple as I made it sound, you'd need to get the solar panel properly mounted at a good angle so it gets the most possible sun, plus run wire down through the roof to wherever you decided to put it.
The panel would be around $200-300, has some of the best prices I've seen (but if anyone's seen better, please, do share).
Probably around $100 for a decent charge controller for 12V batteries, and at least $100 for a good battery.
Don't forget, $30-50 for a DC-DC supply, you can't plug the Jalepeno straight into the battery because it's not regulated.
It's pretty hard to justify the cost for this when you're only pulling 36 watts...this kind of setup I suggested is more for someone who wants to run it completely off-grid, which is often impractical.