Universal income for JAPAN and a few more holidays it will rejuvenate your people .
But no slacking on the HONDA they are the wonder cars.
If you want a car that never lets you down get a Honda
The whole planet will feel stressed very soon it's called TOTAL CAPITALISM
With the few good jobs out there compared to the population IT'S A DOG EAT DOG WORLD..
So i can imagine the pressure the parents put on the children .
It's GOVERNMENT who put the pressure on the parents
Without a good job your DOOMED.< Government pressure ..
And what will happen when robots take 33% of jobs in the next 10 years ..
If everyone owns a business who becomes the policemen firemen
plus if everyone owns a business how does everyone make money you will only be selling a few items
because everyone else sells what you sell.
Imagine 20 thousand top car companies how many cars would one company sell.
a million types of named trainers how many will one company sell..
So you see it's impossible for everyone to run a company ..
But this is what governments are saying to everyone..
If you don't produce something everyone wants your doomed..
CAPITALISM is if you don't make something everyone wants you don't CAPITALISE ..
So i suggest you come up with ideas that will make you CAPITALISE .
Price of homes ...
Police army nurses teachers binmen shop workers factory workers will never be able to afford a home
in the near future .
I bet it already like that in Japan..
Same in London they said on News if your not earning 80k in London your not welcome.
So they expect the poor to travel on trains in and out of London taking some of the wages
Four Horsemen - Feature Documentary - Official Version - YouTube
Video for four horsemen▶ 1:38:54
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fbvquHSPJUTHE NUMBER OF THE BEAST IS HERE ..Just make sure you get as many of those beasts as you can get.