You don't know what you're talking about. Segwit has included 2 mb blocks.
segwit offers no 2mb PROMISE at activation nor 4mb promise
after activation. people need to voluntarily move their funds from native keys to segwit keys so that the ratio of segwit txdata:signature can change the weight
where the txdata sits in the base and the signature sits outside the base.
if only 10% voluntarily move funds and regularly use segwit keypairs expect ~1.1mb of total weight
if only 50% voluntarily move funds and regularly use segwit keypairs expect ~1.55mb of total weight
if 100% voluntarily move funds and regularly use segwit keypairs expect ~2.1mb of total weight
but dont expect EVERYONE to move funds to segwit keypairs.
oh and also spammers will stick to native keys and spam the base block to not give segwit key users space for their txdata. thus you wont get 2.1mb 'best estimate/hope'
oh and segwit does not prevent spammers... another segwit promise broken...
it's pretty simple. Segwit is great for users, not so great for miners.
segwit is not dependant on activation its dependant on users using segwit keypairs AFTER activation.
segwit does not disarm or stop native keys from being used and so the malleation and sigop spammers will still use native keys to bloat the base block
Miners don't benefit from transactions made on LN.
actually miners do. miners dont care about tx fee right now its just a bonus. whether the tx they add is a LN multisig or a native tx makes no difference.
however segwit offers a 75% discount. so miners get less for adding segwit tx's...
a native keypair LN earns a pool more than a segwit keypair LN.
BU is in bed with big-name miners. They are colluding to keep Segwit out. Roger is a key player simply because he owns
care to take a stab at the VC funders behind BTCC and slush, which were both very quick to flag yes to segwit without waiting a few weeks to see what nodes do or peer review the code at launchday. they automatically just kissed segwit ass without thinking.
The BU side is now propping up these useless alts that no one even wants to accept to try and drive money out of BTC. That is really dirty, will not be forgotten & ultimately ensure they will never see their vision pass.
lol gmaxwell Monero Zcash
barry silbert (the big cheeze VC of the blockstream/corporation camp) monero zcash ethereum
(ever wondered why coinbase added ethereum.. (check out barry silberts $6m VC investment into coinbase)
The fear tactics they're using will ensure they will lose. Horrible politicians.
fear tactics?
non-core have no deadlines no ban hammer no need for upstream filtering, no net for new keypairs. no desire to split the network.
its core that want non-core to split away, first using fear, then begging and pleading non-core implementations to actually fork. all because non-core believe in sticking with real consensus of multiple implementations all on the same playing field increasing diversity to secure bitcoins decentralisation of a peer network. where as core want a TIER control network