это понятно. есть ли инфа будут они это делать или нет. рекламу то мы делали.
2. New applications forms will not be accepted;
3. Signature and Avatar campaign stakes, will be reduce 60%;
4. Participants are allowed to change/remove the features on Dec. 15th 2016;
5. All the Janus tokens collected to date on The Viral Exchange, will be able to withdraw on Dec. 31st 2016. Please note, that no more ads will be created till the end of the campaign;
6. Each translator will received full translation bounty, and moderation will be void;
7. Blog bounties stakes will be reduce 2%;
8. The redemption process will be done on Dec.31st 2016.
До 15 Декабря носите подписи и автарки, с ТВА вывод будет доступен в ночь на Н.Г..