John McAfee accidentally just revealed why Bitcoin is total fraud: Behold logic of "artificial work"![](
In a recent CNBC interview that's being widely touted by self-deluded Bitcoin promoters as some kind of "smack down" of JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon, Bitcoin advocate John McAfee accidentally admitted why Bitcoin is a total fraud that's doomed to fail.
In answering Jamie Dimon's recent declaration that Bitcoin is a fraud, McAfee replied: (see the video at The Daily Sheeple)
However, sir… you called Bitcoin 'a fraud.' I'm a Bitcoin miner. We create Bitcoins. It costs over one thousand dollars per coin to create a Bitcoin. What does it cost to create a U.S. dollar? Which one is the fraud? Because [the dollar] costs whatever the paper costs, but it costs me and other miners over a thousand dollars per coin – it's called 'proof of work.'
Behold the logic of artificial work: How John McAfee just embraced Paul Krugman's ditch digging fable
The problem with John McAfee's explanation, of course, is that it admits Bitcoins can only be created through the practice of computational wheel spinning operations where the difficulty and duration of such wheel spinning is artificially made needlessly complex by the Bitcoin algorithm. In a world where Bitcoins used to be created for less than one penny's worth of computational work, a single Bitcoin now requires over US$1,000 worth of "artificial work" to be achieved. A rational person must ask McAfee, "Why did Bitcoins used to cost just a penny to create, and now they cost a thousand dollars?" The 100,000 X increase in complexity for generating a Bitcoin, it turns out, is an artificial work algorithm known as "computational difficulty" in mining.
This admission should be shocking to all Bitcoin holders for the simple reason that if Bitcoin drops below $1,000, mining now becomes unprofitable, rendering a very large part of the entire Bitcoin mining infrastructure instantly obsolete. The only thing keeping Bitcoin mining profitable right now is the bubble pricing of Bitcoin itself, and because all bubbles eventually burst, Bitcoin mining will sooner or later reach a point where it's not worth the investment of hardware, electricity and time. (There's also the 21 million coin limit that's rapidly approaching, by the way, which will spell the end of Bitcoin mining as it is conducted today.)
Furthermore, the "artificial work" aspect of Bitcoin mining and its artificial computational complexity is the digital equivalent of paying people to dig ditches and fill them in again while claiming the activity boosts economic output. This idea, believe it or not, is the classic economic paradox routinely pushed by left-leaning economic myth-meisters like Paul Krugman. Those of you who follow economic news know that Krugman openly and wholeheartedly believes that government could boost the economy by literally paying millions of people to dig ditches and fill them in again. This artificial work generates real-world abundance, according to economic fools like Krugman. That's why Zero Hedge rightly posts an article entitled, "Why Paul Krugman Should Go Back To 5th Grade."
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