
Topic: Journey from gambling to trading - page 6. (Read 2903 times)

sr. member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 301
March 12, 2019, 04:15:58 AM
When i started trading i didn't know about money management , risk to reward , psychology and many things
I was just putting money and watching that i would make profit after some days i made a huge loss and i knew after losing that i was gambling
now i am have learnt many things about trading and now making little profits
My last saying is never put your hard earned money in to market before learning , it will take lot of time and effort to make profits, 1st learn then earn don't c profits while learning     
Same here but the only difference in our journey is I started to try it only with small amount,
I never put a huge amount in anything unless I am sure of my skill and I know the basics.
Activity: 616
Merit: 16
March 12, 2019, 04:04:34 AM
one of the greatest ways of learning is to practice and practice what you learnt. ot be perfect, you need to practice more and please always practice with demo account. most trading platforms have demo accounts where you can practice what you learnt from there, you can perfect your trading. also you learn everyday not just one day. learning is continuous.
full member
Activity: 1498
Merit: 146
March 12, 2019, 03:49:31 AM
When i started trading i didn't know about money management , risk to reward , psychology and many things
I was just putting money and watching that i would make profit after some days i made a huge loss and i knew after losing that i was gambling
now i am have learnt many things about trading and now making little profits
My last saying is never put your hard earned money in to market before learning , it will take lot of time and effort to make profits, 1st learn then earn don't c profits while learning     
Learning while doing it is is the best kind of learning method,it might cause you some money to be loss at intial stage but it let you to know about the real situation of doing trades so you will get familiar and start making money in real soon.
Activity: 686
Merit: 10
March 12, 2019, 02:32:23 AM
When i started trading i didn't know about money management , risk to reward , psychology and many things
I was just putting money and watching that i would make profit after some days i made a huge loss and i knew after losing that i was gambling
now i am have learnt many things about trading and now making little profits
My last saying is never put your hard earned money in to market before learning , it will take lot of time and effort to make profits, 1st learn then earn don't c profits while learning     
Profits doesn’t come when you haven’t taken your time to learn the business and understand everything about how it works and how to do it. A lot of people does the same thing, and when they lose their money in the trade, they quickly conclude the exchange was scam, they will never believe that they lost their money because they didn’t take their time to learn the trade, and that’s foolishness.

These are the major things they need to establish before investing in anything, by listening to others they will start investing in something which they don't know exactly how the price will increase in the crypto. That's why it is always good to read and study before investing because without basics it is not a good idea by investing blindly into any coin. In the beginning, after losing it is not a good idea to judge the exchange and coin.
jr. member
Activity: 347
Merit: 1
Fun of WINBIX sales system
March 12, 2019, 02:12:31 AM
I think everything is about hard work mate you really just need to put in the effort day in day out non stop at all and once you are use to it it becomes your second nature you cant do without simple Goodluck with your trading
sr. member
Activity: 2842
Merit: 326 - Crypto Casino
March 12, 2019, 01:45:47 AM
You had made the right decision in diverting from gambling to trading having mustered the courage to learn all the rudiments in trading in the long run you will surely gain more experiences however that will not stop you from incurring some losses which is normal as a trader and as you rightly said Money management is one of the key components toward a successful trading among others, gambling is quick risky and a 50:50 chance and there is even the possibility of losing your total investment in gambling in the of martingale strategy.
hero member
Activity: 1274
Merit: 513
March 12, 2019, 01:45:27 AM
There is a lot of people who came from the gambling or they are player and they are now trader . They have advatanges and disadvatanges of being a trader and player. In gambling you can make more money in short period of time but you lose more money too. In trading you can earn money but it's takes few days, weeks or months depends on the coin when it increase but in gamblinh you can eaen more in just few hours only.
sr. member
Activity: 882
Merit: 269
March 12, 2019, 01:31:32 AM
When i started trading i didn't know about money management , risk to reward , psychology and many things
I was just putting money and watching that i would make profit after some days i made a huge loss and i knew after losing that i was gambling
now i am have learnt many things about trading and now making little profits
My last saying is never put your hard earned money in to market before learning , it will take lot of time and effort to make profits, 1st learn then earn don't c profits while learning     
It is truth that many of us don't learn before investing into trading and most investors do that because sometimes how the hear how profitable trading is.  But for you to remain successful you must become a skillful traders and invest money you can be able to loss.
full member
Activity: 778
Merit: 100
March 12, 2019, 01:21:36 AM
When i started trading i didn't know about money management , risk to reward , psychology and many things
I was just putting money and watching that i would make profit after some days i made a huge loss and i knew after losing that i was gambling
now i am have learnt many things about trading and now making little profits
My last saying is never put your hard earned money in to market before learning , it will take lot of time and effort to make profits, 1st learn then earn don't c profits while learning     
We have different kinds of method in earning in cryptocurrency. One is the most frequent and most known way, trading. The second way is gambling. Others are faucets and many more. There are a lot of ways. But it's really up to you what method you really wanted to pursue.
I think for if you use the gambling method it will only make you lose and the worse you will get money that is not good or hot money, you better work to be able to get capital for trading.
full member
Activity: 714
Merit: 100
March 12, 2019, 01:07:58 AM
If you are a gambler and you are shifting to trading, then you first must know that both are totally different. In trading, you need to have sufficient knowledge before you can actually get profits from trade. If you do trading blindly, then it will be just like gambling where you have no idea whether your trade can be successful or not.

not exactly, you can make profits even without sufficient knowledge. and what is this 'sufficient knowledge' here?
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1172
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
March 12, 2019, 12:31:29 AM
When i started trading i didn't know about money management , risk to reward , psychology and many things
I was just putting money and watching that i would make profit after some days i made a huge loss and i knew after losing that i was gambling
now i am have learnt many things about trading and now making little profits
My last saying is never put your hard earned money in to market before learning , it will take lot of time and effort to make profits, 1st learn then earn don't c profits while learning     

I agree with you and I must say that is my biggest mistake when start trading 2 years a go. Not good experience but it will give you big picture about market and how it works. The second learning I get from my mistakes is trust with others people that I don't know. Always trust your skill and never do the same mistakes.
Yes.Once you get into trading,make sure that you are knowledgeable already about how the market moves so you won't see yourself losing in the end.Atleast you have some experiences before entering into the real field of trading.Because in trading,you cannot always expect gaining profits just like gambling.But more likely it's still better to engage in trading because you still have more chances of winning rather than losing.

Well losing money is always part of the process for trading whether it's crypto or stocks. You can be an efficient trader unless yoy go through all that. And trading is always closely similar to gsmbling for beginners until you gain enough experience and knowledge.

If you are a gambler and you are shifting to trading, then you first must know that both are totally different. In trading, you need to have sufficient knowledge before you can actually get profits from trade. If you do trading blindly, then it will be just like gambling where you have no idea whether your trade can be successful or not.
sr. member
Activity: 840
Merit: 268
March 11, 2019, 11:59:08 PM
When i started trading i didn't know about money management , risk to reward , psychology and many things
I was just putting money and watching that i would make profit after some days i made a huge loss and i knew after losing that i was gambling
now i am have learnt many things about trading and now making little profits
My last saying is never put your hard earned money in to market before learning , it will take lot of time and effort to make profits, 1st learn then earn don't c profits while learning     
We have different kinds of method in earning in cryptocurrency. One is the most frequent and most known way, trading. The second way is gambling. Others are faucets and many more. There are a lot of ways. But it's really up to you what method you really wanted to pursue.
full member
Activity: 714
Merit: 114
March 11, 2019, 10:35:36 PM
with experience and learning we can earn both in trading and gambling if we dont do it correctly than both can cause us loss
I don't think experience can provide greater possibility of profits in gambling? gambling is not a method of earning income dude.
so it's not right if you combine gambling and trade to your income, use gambling just to have fun in your free time dude, its better..

sure it is . if you are an experience gambler you can  also increase your chances of winning because you already know how the game works  . you can apply your method and strategy not unlike to a noob gambler that he dont know how to operate the game properly  .he can get alot of losses with that  .  though your right , we should not treat gambling as a source of income because it is verry risky  . we must only treat it as a form of entertainment to enjoy and past the time  .
sr. member
Activity: 1330
Merit: 326
March 11, 2019, 09:54:57 PM
It's better to gain small but sure profits than to gain huge profits and lose it at once. Continue to learn more about trading, your experiences makes you a great trader. Consider trading also as a gambling because you are risking your money here, it's just that you are so agressive and impulsive before. Now that you've learnt your lesson, you are more careful on your trading.
hero member
Activity: 1190
Merit: 500
December 27, 2018, 12:11:36 AM
with experience and learning we can earn both in trading and gambling if we dont do it correctly than both can cause us loss
I don't think experience can provide greater possibility of profits in gambling? gambling is not a method of earning income dude.
so it's not right if you combine gambling and trade to your income, use gambling just to have fun in your free time dude, its better..
sr. member
Activity: 784
Merit: 250
December 26, 2018, 11:43:25 PM
you can get money from this journey bro Grin

And lose it as well. Although gambling and trading differ a lot, they have got something in common. Both activities need the skills and experience of a person. The newbie can catch a lucky chance but it happens so rarely!
but more to the difference, gambling in my opinion if winning will be happy if losing will be difficult and make people addicted, if the trade is better because of the loss or not we determine how we do it.
hero member
Activity: 3094
Merit: 606
BTC to the MOON in 2019
December 26, 2018, 10:12:53 PM
you can get money from this journey bro Grin

And lose it as well. Although gambling and trading differ a lot, they have got something in common. Both activities need the skills and experience of a person. The newbie can catch a lucky chance but it happens so rarely!
One thing only that is common is they both have the risk, high risk actually.
Gambling should not be something that we focus as there is no way that we will improve in the long run, what will happen is it will only make us loss more money. So how about trading? Trading is good, because if you focus and improve your strategy, your chance of making money will increase.
full member
Activity: 756
Merit: 100
December 26, 2018, 12:58:28 PM
you can get money from this journey bro Grin

And lose it as well. Although gambling and trading differ a lot, they have got something in common. Both activities need the skills and experience of a person. The newbie can catch a lucky chance but it happens so rarely!
full member
Activity: 491
Merit: 105
December 25, 2018, 02:48:42 AM
When i started trading i didn't know about money management , risk to reward , psychology and many things
I was just putting money and watching that i would make profit after some days i made a huge loss and i knew after losing that i was gambling
now i am have learnt many things about trading and now making little profits
My last saying is never put your hard earned money in to market before learning , it will take lot of time and effort to make profits, 1st learn then earn don't c profits while learning     
Not really all of us knows that at the start. I once made mistakes the same as that, and I lost a lot of money. This time around I’ve gotten better, but I’m not seeing the kind of opportunities I had then and it’s getting bad for me. When I look back at the mistakes I made I just regret not knowing the things I know now. But any way, I will work hard to get better.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
December 19, 2018, 10:25:42 PM
you can get money from this journey bro Grin
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