
Topic: Jugoslovenian Dinara Tokenization (Read 986 times)

full member
Activity: 392
Merit: 119
November 20, 2017, 11:09:25 AM
Pogledaj ovo, batko, frajer ima sličnu ideju i već je svašta napravio:
Ja sam mu predložio odvajati dio od iskopanih blokova za neku dobrotvornu zakladu i projekte, pošto je to bivšim korisnicima dinara (a i svima koje banke uhvate u mrežu kreditnih kartica, proizvoda i ostalih mrkvi i mrkvica) sad najpotrebnije :-)
Activity: 2744
Merit: 1193
I don't believe in denial.
November 16, 2017, 03:05:21 PM
Activity: 46
Merit: 0
November 16, 2017, 01:36:31 AM
Hahahaha budalo
Activity: 2744
Merit: 1193
I don't believe in denial.
November 15, 2017, 03:41:08 PM
[...] Predlažem pokretaču teme da je zatvori, jer je rasprava ''odlutala'' daleko od onoga što je on vjerojatno htio postići, okupiti zainteresirane za pokretanje nove valute.

I second that. OP please lock this thread...
Activity: 2198
Merit: 1150
November 13, 2017, 03:23:55 PM
Nije mi jasno kako je rasprava o nekoj novoj ''valuti'' se pretvorila u raspravu o životu u nekadašnjoj bivšoj državi.
Ne vidim nikakvu poveznicu između ove 2 stvari.
Predlažem pokretaču teme da je zatvori, jer je rasprava ''odlutala'' daleko od onoga što je on vjerojatno htio postići, okupiti zainteresirane za pokretanje nove valute.

Bitcoin predstavlja slobodnu trgovinu, tržište, kapitalizam, dobrovoljne ugovore među pojedincima.
Jugoslavija je sušta suprotnost svemu što bitcoin predstavlja i jugonostalgija ovdje nema mjesta (bez kritike) [jer imamo slobodu govora Smiley ]
Activity: 3374
Merit: 1824
November 13, 2017, 09:54:41 AM
Nije mi jasno kako je rasprava o nekoj novoj ''valuti'' se pretvorila u raspravu o životu u nekadašnjoj bivšoj državi.
Ne vidim nikakvu poveznicu između ove 2 stvari.
Predlažem pokretaču teme da je zatvori, jer je rasprava ''odlutala'' daleko od onoga što je on vjerojatno htio postići, okupiti zainteresirane za pokretanje nove valute.
Activity: 1932
Merit: 2273
November 12, 2017, 04:21:30 PM
Kako glupa argumentacija
Tvoja je još gluplja

ne raspravljam više u i o ovoj temi jer se pretvorila u off topic
Activity: 2198
Merit: 1150
November 12, 2017, 02:43:03 PM
Kako glupa argumentacija Cheesy

Krajnje desničarske novine a kao i većina novina služe za manipulaciju ljudima i ispiranje mozga.

INDEX su krajnje desničarske novine?  Shocked

Znači svi su radili i imali posao.

Od 200 maraka u krajnje neefikasnim i glomaznim pogonima.

Možemo i mi sada (ostvarivo je) zabraniti traktore i lopate, i dati ljudima da s kašikama kopaju njive.
100% zaposlenost, jednako kao i u Jugoslaviji.

Ljudi nisu bili bogati ali su imali dosta za pristojan život, nije bila borba kakva je sada da moraju raditi 2 posla ili bježati iz hrvatske.

Pristojan život = hrana i mlijeko. To imamo i danas.

To je prosjek a ne stvarna situacija.
Još uvijek ima više ljudi koji rade za 400€ nego za 700+. A i tih 700€ je jako malo kad staviš na papir, s obzirom na cijene.

Znači da je u prosjeku onaj koji je radio u Njemačkoj zarađivao 10 puta više od radnika u Jugoslaviji.
Danas u prosjeku zarađuje malo više od 3 puta.

Kuće su se podizale od mjesečnih plaća u Njemačkoj.
1971. su doznake iz inozemstva od iseljenika činile 51% izvoza.

Uostalom, zašto slavonci koji žive uz granicu idu u bosnu i srbiju u šoping? Zašto zagorci purgeri i ostali blizu slovenije idu u sloveniju u šoping? Po nove gume za aute?
Sigurno zato što nam je sad bolje

Zašto Jugoslaveni kupuju u Trstu? Sigurno zato što ime je bolje.

A hoćeš reći da se sada ništa od ovog ne uzima na kredit ili na rate?
Pa ljudi kupuju na rate sve što je skuplje od 500 kuna.

500 kuna = Desetina prosječne plaće
Usisavač u Jugi = 3 plaće

Koji auto hrvatska proizvodi?

Nismo u komunizmu da država nešto proizvodi, za proizvodnju je zadužen privatni sektor.
Uz socijalistički mentalitet i 70 godina socijalističke vlasti koja krade i ubija privatni sektor jasno da nema puno mazohista koji će otvarati nešto u RH da ga država i uhljebljeni socijalisti pljačkaju, tako da danas imamo jedan jedini auto u hrvatskom privatnom sektoru - Concept One.
Activity: 40
Merit: 0
November 12, 2017, 02:38:43 PM
Ma hajde, svi samo kukaju, a zapravo i nije toliko loše koliko bi neki htjeli prikazati. Zato i kažem, nama samo fali malo optimizma. Dobro, i reda u politici, ali to će stići tek kad prođu još dvije-tri generacije političara i kad se potpuno istrijebi jugoslavenska politička ostavština. Naravno da puno toga ne valja i da bi puno toga moglo i moralo biti bolje, no doći ćemo nadam se i do toga jednom.

Uspoređivati današnji život i tadašnji je nebo i zemlja, danas je opće blagostanje u usporedbi s tadašnjom situacijom. Bilo je nekih podobnih koji su mogli iskoristiti situaciju i živjeti dobro, no ostatku ljudi se samo prodavala magla i uvjeravalo ih se da dobro žive, a posljedice trpimo i dan danas.

Nije čak to sve skupa ni do Jugoslavije kao takve, ni do sukoba kroz koje smo prolazili, već je to jednostavno ono što nam je komunizam ostavio. I ne samo kod nas, sve europske bivše komunističke zemlje još će dugo zaostajati za onima koji nisu morali proživljavati kroz to zlo. Kad spominješ da ljudi iz naših krajeva bježe van, zapitaj se gdje to točno bježe, u koje zemlje i kakvog uređenja. S time da je to iseljavanje jednostavno posljedica slobodnog kretanja radnika više nego posljedica lošeg stanja ovdje - jednostavno ljudi idu gdje misle da će im biti bolje, ako to mogu. A ne zaboravi ni da su se ljudi masovno iseljavali i nekad.

No dobro, svatko je valjda svjedočio svojoj nekoj istini, pa onda možda bolje da se u to ne dira. Nije ovo rasprava za ovaj forum, niti je tema tako zamišljena, tako da ću tu stati.
Activity: 1932
Merit: 2273
November 12, 2017, 01:46:19 PM
You just forgot to compare debt then and now. For all the luxuries that people have now price is too high and everybody has become a modern slave...
What luxuries were you able to afford in Yugoslavia?

Luxury to go to a free vacation to Goli otok if you said something wrong about the commies?  Smiley
Bar smo imali svoje otoke.
Yeah, factories that were producing jack shit
Tvornica koja je proizvodila "govna" i mogla ih prodati je bila jako dobra tvornica. Uostalom, kad si već spomenio zastavu, od kad je proizvodnja auta "govno"?
Krajnje desničarske novine a kao i većina novina služe za manipulaciju ljudima i ispiranje mozga.
Overemployment, 1/3 people weren't necessary
Znači svi su radili i imali posao.
And salaries that were shit
Ljudi nisu bili bogati ali su imali dosta za pristojan život, nije bila borba kakva je sada da moraju raditi 2 posla ili bježati iz hrvatske.
People here worked for 200 German Marks, while in Germany they worked for 2000
Today we work for 700€ here and for 2000€ in Germany
To je prosjek a ne stvarna situacija.
Još uvijek ima više ljudi koji rade za 400€ nego za 700+. A i tih 700€ je jako malo kad staviš na papir, s obzirom na cijene.

Uostalom, zašto slavonci koji žive uz granicu idu u bosnu i srbiju u šoping? Zašto zagorci purgeri i ostali blizu slovenije idu u sloveniju u šoping? Po nove gume za aute?
Sigurno zato što nam je sad bolje  Grin
My parents paid 10 monthly salaries to set up a bedroom, 10 for a VCR
My uncle had to get a loan to buy a fucking vacuum cleaner (3 salaries), cars = Yugo and Zastava  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
A hoćeš reći da se sada ništa od ovog ne uzima na kredit ili na rate?
Pa ljudi kupuju na rate sve što je skuplje od 500 kuna.
Yugoslavia was jack shit, you just weren't allowed to talk about how shitty it is so there's a myth about how good it was to pay 3 monthly salaries for a vacuum cleaner while driving a Yugo and telling yourself how good you have it going.
Koji auto hrvatska proizvodi?
Activity: 2198
Merit: 1150
November 12, 2017, 11:03:58 AM
You just forgot to compare debt then and now. For all the luxuries that people have now price is too high and everybody has become a modern slave...

What luxuries were you able to afford in Yugoslavia?

Luxury to go to a free vacation to Goli otok if you said something wrong about the commies?  Smiley
full member
Activity: 350
Merit: 102
November 12, 2017, 10:46:05 AM
You just forgot to compare debt then and now. For all the luxuries that people have now price is too high and everybody has become a modern slave...
Activity: 2198
Merit: 1150
November 12, 2017, 10:24:42 AM
Leave the ghosts of past in history.
For a large number of people crypto currency with that name will be repulsive. For Croatia I estimate to 60% of the population.

I would call that a conservative estimation on country scale. But on the other hand it is probably lover for Croatians who are into crypto stuff. I have them pegged as younger generation with less memories about the whole unfortunate situation.
In Yugoslavia we had factories, money, cheap apartments, cars.
In Croatia we don't have factories, we don't have money, we have expensive apartments and cars, credits credits and more credits, people are leaving country because either they can't find job or they are working for peanuts.
Younger population is even worst because they are listening brainwashers on TV and they are acting like they have horse blinkers on their eyes and they can't see these facts.

I like OP's idea and nostalgia but i don't see how that crypto can succeed, there are thousands of altcoins and erc20 tokens with no real use.

Yeah, factories that were producing jack shit

Overemployment, 1/3 people weren't necessary
And salaries that were shit
People here worked for 200 German Marks, while in Germany they worked for 2000
Today we work for 700€ here and for 2000€ in Germany

My parents paid 10 monthly salaries to set up a bedroom, 10 for a VCR
My uncle had to get a loan to buy a fucking vacuum cleaner (3 salaries), cars = Yugo and Zastava  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

Yugoslavia was jack shit, you just weren't allowed to talk about how shitty it is so there's a myth about how good it was to pay 3 monthly salaries for a vacuum cleaner while driving a Yugo and telling yourself how good you have it going.
Activity: 1932
Merit: 2273
November 12, 2017, 06:08:16 AM
We had jack shit in Yugoslavia. Well, some privileged people had something, but the rest were living very poorly. We're miles ahead of that now, thank god.
...u Njemačkoj, Švedskoj, Austriji, Irskoj, Engleskoj i ostalim zemljama EU pa i šire. 

E pa možda bude ipak popularan taj YU coin "world wide" s obzirom da sve manje ljudi živi u hrvatskoj(zato jer nam je bolje sad  Grin).
Activity: 40
Merit: 0
November 11, 2017, 05:09:38 PM
Leave the ghosts of past in history.
For a large number of people crypto currency with that name will be repulsive. For Croatia I estimate to 60% of the population.

I would call that a conservative estimation on country scale. But on the other hand it is probably lover for Croatians who are into crypto stuff. I have them pegged as younger generation with less memories about the whole unfortunate situation.
In Yugoslavia we had factories, money, cheap apartments, cars.
In Croatia we don't have factories, we don't have money, we have expensive apartments and cars, credits credits and more credits, people are leaving country because either they can't find job or they are working for peanuts.
Younger population is even worst because they are listening brainwashers on TV and they are acting like they have horse blinkers on their eyes and they can't see these facts.

I like OP's idea and nostalgia but i don't see how that crypto can succeed, there are thousands of altcoins and erc20 tokens with no real use.

We had jack shit in Yugoslavia. Well, some privileged people had something, but the rest were living very poorly. We're miles ahead of that now, thank god.

What we lack here is just a little bit of optimism. And crypto is a good start to get that optimism. Smiley
Activity: 1932
Merit: 2273
November 11, 2017, 05:42:43 AM
Leave the ghosts of past in history.
For a large number of people crypto currency with that name will be repulsive. For Croatia I estimate to 60% of the population.

I would call that a conservative estimation on country scale. But on the other hand it is probably lover for Croatians who are into crypto stuff. I have them pegged as younger generation with less memories about the whole unfortunate situation.
In Yugoslavia we had factories, money, cheap apartments, cars.
In Croatia we don't have factories, we don't have money, we have expensive apartments and cars, credits credits and more credits, people are leaving country because either they can't find job or they are working for peanuts.
Younger population is even worst because they are listening brainwashers on TV and they are acting like they have horse blinkers on their eyes and they can't see these facts.

I like OP's idea and nostalgia but i don't see how that crypto can succeed, there are thousands of altcoins and erc20 tokens with no real use.
Activity: 2198
Merit: 1150
November 10, 2017, 07:21:57 PM
Leave the ghosts of past in history.
For a large number of people crypto currency with that name will be repulsive. For Croatia I estimate to 60% of the population.

I would call that a conservative estimation on country scale. But on the other hand it is probably lover for Croatians who are into crypto stuff. I have them pegged as younger generation with less memories about the whole unfortunate situation.

That's a wrong assumption.

Crypto users tend to be more into freedom, capitalism and free contracts among individuals.
Bitcoin users have the highest rate of libertarians than I have seen in any other group.

There will actually be more people in crypto who hate Tito than in the physical world.

Fuck Tito.
Fuck communism.
Fuck theft.

Get a job.

Don't steal.
Activity: 2758
Merit: 2789
Join the world-leading crypto sportsbook NOW!
November 10, 2017, 04:44:55 PM
Leave the ghosts of past in history.
For a large number of people crypto currency with that name will be repulsive. For Croatia I estimate to 60% of the population.

I would call that a conservative estimation on country scale. But on the other hand it is probably lover for Croatians who are into crypto stuff. I have them pegged as younger generation with less memories about the whole unfortunate situation.
sr. member
Activity: 602
Merit: 260
November 10, 2017, 04:38:54 PM
Leave the ghosts of past in history.
For a large number of people crypto currency with that name will be repulsive. For Croatia I estimate to 60% of the population.
Activity: 2198
Merit: 1150
November 10, 2017, 03:20:55 PM
Is it going to have a 60% yearly inflation rate?
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