I need my account back to pay my minimum spenses, Bitcoin was being helpful, you are commiting genocide by not allowing me to use my old account FOR NO REASON. Daily bump.
I think that is a bit of a stretch. It also makes it so you have zero credibility.
If you really are living in a dorm going to school then your focus should be on your education to get an actual job in the future. If this is not the case then you should try to figure out another way to earn money with bitcoin (you could start your own forum for signature spamming with the bitcoin you have earned from signature spamming).
IIRC you had replied to almost every post that posted in the same thread as you. I remember being annoyed when I would click on a thread on my watch-list only to see you reply that did little to add to the conversation. I don't think it would warrant a perm ban however I believe the threshold for a perm ban (and other types of bans) should be lower if you share an IP address/subnet with many other spammers (the same goes for people with a paid signature verses not having a paid signature) so if you shared an IP address with a lot of other spammers it would be more appropriate for you to get banned.
There is also nothing to say that you did not delete your useless/spam posts before making your plea for an explanation.
I think it is clear that the decision to ban your account is not going to be reversed so I think you should stop trying to fore an explanation out of BadBear/Theymos as whatever they tell you will not matter.
If you disagree with this decision I would suggest writing an article on CCN
I didn't spam shit and I got 0 warnings, and im working on my education, even tho I have low chances of finding a job in my country anyway. Having the small BTC I did with this was the only way to get some extra money.
I need my account back to pay my minimum spenses,
Try to find a part-time job and work an hour or two after school every day. That should bring you more money than you used to get from signature campaign.
A daily bump won't solve the problem or change Badbear's decision IMO.
Im from SPAIN, no such thing as part-time job. Im fucked without the 0.4 BTC or so I was making. Shit's depressing. You just can't grasp it because you are posting from your safe bubbles.